Social Programs

Young Apprentice Program 2022: open opportunities and how to apply


If before the internship was the best opportunity for a young person to start their career in the job market, the Young Apprentice Program has brought them many more benefits. Check it out in the article below.

Young people have had more and more difficulties accessing the labor market.

Most companies require experience that they don't already have.

When they don't require experience, they ask for courses and qualifications they don't have.

Added to this, internship programs have become very precarious in most companies, attracting less and less interest from young people.

Soon, the Young Apprentice 2022 program became the best option for those who want to enter the job market.

What is the Young Apprentice 2022 program?

Created by law 10097/200, the Young Apprentice Program aims to insert young people into the job market.

According to the text of the law, every medium and large company must have between 5% and 15% of young apprentices on its staff.

The course lasts from 6 to 24 months and is divided into two distinct and complementary modules.

The first aims to develop practical experience lived in companies, and the second aims to develop theoretical learning through classes taught in non-profit institutions.

Minor apprentices have more rights than interns

The Young Apprentice Program differs from internship programs also in terms of the benefits offered to young people.

While interns do not have any legal guarantee, minor apprentices have:

  • Theoretical/practical course;
  • Daily shift of up to 6 hours, with no possibility of overtime;
  • Hourly wage based on national minimum wage;
  • Work registered at CTPS;
  • Paid holidays, which must coincide with school holidays;
  • 13th salary;
  • FGTS paid in the amount of 2%;
  • Transportation vouchers;
  • Contracts lasting up to 24 months.

How to apply for the 2022 Young Apprentice Program

The Young Apprentice Program is not managed by the government, it is only supervised by it.

The program is managed and young people are hired through the companies themselves or through specialized non-profit institutions.

One of the great examples of this type of institution is the Business-School Integration Center (CIEE).

However, look in your municipality, because practically all of them have this type of specialized institution to help you.

Don't forget that the 2022 Young Apprentice Program is exclusively for young people between 14 and 24 years old.

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