
Day Care Assistance – Find out if you are entitled and how to apply for the benefit

Guarantee the payment of your Day Care Assistance and earn money to give the best to your child. See how it works!


Earn money to take care of your child

Mãe feliz por saber como funciona o auxilio creche (fonte: Adobe Stock)
Mother happy to know how Day Care Assistance works (Source: Adobe Stock)

Anyone who is a mother, needs to work and has nowhere to leave her child, knows how difficult it is to fight to survive. That's why you need to know how Help Daycare works.

The benefit is a right provided for in the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT) and therefore all women who are entitled must apply. Come and see how Day Care Assistance works!

Day Care Assistance: what is this benefit?

Aprenda como funciona o auxilio creche (fonte: Adobe Stock)
Learn how Day Care Assistance works (Source: Adobe Stock)

According to population surveys, Brazil has approximately 67 million mothers. Of this amount, around 31% are single and more than 45% work to support their children and home. 

Therefore, Day Care Assistance is a benefit that companies grant to mothers who need to work at the company, but do not have a place to leave their children. 

In this case, the company can either count on a place to take care of the children, or it can pay the expenses of an institution to carry out this care, the day care centers.

According to article 389 of the Consolidation of Labor Laws, all mothers are entitled to have a place to leave their children while they are working.

This rule is valid for all women who have children younger than 6 months and the company is responsible for paying all costs to guarantee this right.

According to the CLT, paying this benefit is a duty of all companies that have more than 30 women over the age of 16 in their workforce.

However, smaller private institutions can also offer the benefit to their female employees.

In short, it's a great benefit, but to receive it, you need to understand some rules and how Day Care Assistance works. Learn all about this benefit!

How does Daycare Assistance work?

Crianças como funciona o auxilio creche (fonte: Adobe Stock)
Children how Day Care Assistance works (Source: Adobe Stock)

First, it is important to point out that the payment of Day Care Assistance or the provision of a place to leave the children is the responsibility of all private companies. 

However, payment becomes an obligation only for private institutions that have more than 30 women over 16 years of age in their workforce.

When in this situation, the employee starts to enjoy her right to maternity and also the guarantee of assistance from the school for the children.

In cases where companies do not have their own place to care for children, institutions need to pay for daycare centers.

In addition, it is important to remember that this payment should not be deducted from the baby's mother's salary. This is because Day Care Assistance is not a health plan or any type of voucher, but a benefit to guarantee the employee's rights.

How Day Care Assistance works: who is entitled?

Entenda agora como funciona o auxilio creche (fonte: Adobe Stock)
Understand now how Day Care Assistance works (Source: Adobe Stock)

According to CLT rules, Day Care Assistance is a right of all women who have children under 6 months old and work in companies with more than 30 women over 16 years old.

In this scenario, mothers have the full right to have a place to leave their children, which can be at the company itself, or else they must receive an amount to pay for daycare.

Furthermore, some companies even increase the scope of this aid, also paying for men. In this case, even without having children, men can be responsible for nephews, grandchildren, godchildren or children with other degrees of kinship.

How much does Childcare Allowance pay?

Crianças aproveitando como funciona o auxilio creche (fonte: Adobe Stock)
Children enjoying how Day Care Assistance works (Source: Adobe Stock)

Even if the law establishes the mandatory payment of Day Care Assistance, there is no fixed amount for companies to pay. In this way, the payment amount is really a negotiation between the company and the employee, or union.

Based on this, when the company does not have a dedicated space for such care or a partnership with day care centers, parents must choose an institution with a compatible price.

It is worth noting that if the day care center charges a higher amount than the payment agreed by the company, parents can pay the extra amount. At the same time, the company is under no obligation to pay the excess amount.

Are parents entitled to receive Childcare Allowance?

Novas oportunidade após ver como funciona o auxilio creche (fonte: Adobe Stock)
New opportunities after seeing how Day Care Assistance works (Source: Adobe Stock)

As we mentioned earlier, payment of Day Care Assistance is a right of mothers, that is, women who work in private companies.

In this sense, the Law does not provide that companies are obliged to pay the amount to the parents. However, there are some companies that offer this benefit.

Therefore, if you are the parent or guardian of a child of any other degree of kinship, it is necessary to check whether or not the company will pay the aid.

In addition, it is also possible to negotiate with the company about this payment and, as in the previous case, pay the amount that exceeds the Daycare Allowance payment.

How long do aid payments last?

Aproveite para ver como funciona o auxilio creche (fonte: Adobe Stock)
Take the opportunity to see how Day Care Assistance works (Source: Adobe Stock)

Day Care Assistance is a benefit that can be charged to your account from the moment the child is born up to 6 months old. This is what the law states as the company's obligation.

However, in special cases the company can extend the day care deposits a lot, banking this money until the child is 6 years old. 

In any case, this is not a certainty, but it depends on each private institution and also on the negotiation relationship between the mother and the company in general.

How to apply for Child Care Assistance

Criança se divertindo como funciona o auxilio creche (fonte: Adobe Stock)
Child having fun how Day Care Assistance works (Source: Adobe Stock)

Applying for Day Care Assistance is very simple and employees, whether men or women, should speak directly to the company's human resources department.

Then, it is common to fill out an application form with some data to confirm the request for assistance.

Thus, the mother must fill out the application with all the necessary information and also present some documents that the company usually requests.

It is common for this form to ask for the following information: mother's name, child's birth certificate, time the child will stay at the daycare, monthly fee, CNPJ, address and telephone number of the contracted company. 

Do you need to be on CadÚnico to receive Day Care Assistance?

Empresas entendem como funciona o auxilio creche (fonte: Adobe Stock)
Companies understand how Day Care Assistance works (Source: Adobe Stock)

Some people may confuse this payment with benefits that the Federal Government pays for some groups of people. However, you can already see that this value has nothing to do with a government benefit.

In this sense, the mother does not need to be registered in the Cadastro Único to receive the value of the Daycare Allowance. 

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