
Brazil Aid Emancipation Rule – Understand how it works

Did you know that the Federal Government allows Auxílio Brasil beneficiaries to continue receiving assistance for up to 2 years after getting a formal job? Check out!

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Federal Government allows beneficiaries of the Brazil Aid to continue receiving the aid after getting a formal job

Auxílio Brasil is a social income transfer program of the Federal Government. The program serves families that are in a situation of social vulnerability, that is, families that are on the line of poverty or extreme poverty.

By September 2022, the program reached 20.65 million beneficiary families, resulting in a historic mark until then. In addition to the families that were already benefited by the Bolsa Família program, Auxílio Brasil benefited another 7 million.

But what happens when the beneficiary gets a formal job?

In this article, we'll tell you everything you need to know to continue receiving the benefit even after getting a job. Read the topics below:

  • Who can receive the benefit;
  • What is the Brazil Aid Emancipation Rule;
  • I got a job, and now;
  • What can cause the cancellation of the benefit;
  • What happens if the beneficiary family fails to comply with the rules imposed by Auxílio Brasil.

Who can receive the benefit?

Still not registered for Auxílio Brasil and want to know how to participate?

Families wishing to receive the Brazil Aid must prove a monthly income of up to R$105 (for extreme poverty) or income between R$105.01 and R$210 (for poverty).

In addition, it is necessary to be registered with CadÚnico, as this is how the Ministry of Citizenship can verify the data. You can update the registrations in the CadÚnico application.

If the family is not yet registered, it is necessary to pre-register in the Cadastro Único App and schedule a face-to-face service at a unit closer to CadÚnico to finalize the registration.

What is the Brazil Aid Emancipation Rule?

The Emancipation Rule is provided for in the law establishing the program. This rule ensures that the beneficiary continues to receive the aid even after getting a formal job, that is, with a formal contract for up to two years.

Therefore, after getting a job and the income exceeds R$210 per person, the beneficiary continues to be able to receive the aid, as long as it does not exceed the monthly income of R$252 per family member.

I got a job, now what?

It is possible that the beneficiary continues to receive the aid even after getting a formal job and exceeding the poverty line (R$210 per person).

As long as the family income does not exceed R$252 per member, the family can continue to receive the benefit for up to 24 months.

If the beneficiary who is employed loses his job, and his income falls back to the poverty or extreme poverty line, it is possible to apply for the Brazil Aid again.

As long as you meet the requirements set by the government, the aid will be granted once again.

What can cause the cancellation of the benefit?

Some situations may end up resulting in the cancellation of the benefit. Having an outdated CadÚnico registration is one of them, because when the Ministry of Citizenship checks it, it may find errors in the data that were reported.

Failure to comply with the rules that are required to receive the Brazil Aid may also cause the benefit to be cancelled. Check out the rules that the beneficiary family must comply with in order to continue receiving the aid:

  • Children aged 4 and 5 years old need to attend at least 60% of the monthly school hours;
  • Children and adolescents between 6 and 17 years old need to attend at least 75% of the monthly school hours. It also serves adults between 18 and 20 who have not yet completed basic education.
  • The vaccination card for beneficiaries up to 7 years of age must be updated according to the National Vaccination Calendar. As well as monitoring the nutritional status.
  • Beneficiaries who are pregnant need to undergo prenatal care.

What happens if the beneficiary family fails to comply with the rules imposed by Auxílio Brasil?

The Ministry of Citizenship, in case of non-compliance with the imposed rules, uses gradual warnings, according to the history of non-compliance of the beneficiary family in question.

See below how the warnings will be applied:

  • At the first record of non-compliance with any of the rules, the family will receive a warning without any financial discount;
  • In the second registration, the government will block the benefit for one month;
  • From the third registration onwards, the benefit will be suspended for two months;
  • If even so, the family continues to break the rules, the benefit will be canceled permanently.

Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the rules imposed by the government. Otherwise, you run a serious risk of losing your Brazil Aid.