
Check the list of public tenders already open for 2022


2022 started off hot with the publication of several public competition notices. Check out the main options in the article below.

The year starts promisingly for those who dream of working in the public service.

In this first fortnight of January alone, we already have publications of notices that provide for the hiring of more than 207 thousand job vacancies in the public sphere.

Candidates then need to organize themselves to have all the dates on hand and not miss any deadlines.

It is worth mentioning that some of these competitions are already in the final stage of registration, and therefore, they should receive greater attention from those interested.

So stay tuned as we will give you an overview of the competitions forecast for 2022, in addition to the competitions that have already had their notices published and registrations open.

Competitions scheduled for 2022

There is a lot of speculation regarding public tenders.

The fact is that many federal agencies find themselves with a shortage of staff, requiring competitions to replace staff and improve service to the public.

For those who want to prepare in advance, we have put together a list of competitions scheduled for 2022. They are:

  • INSS;
  • Caixa Econômica Federal;
  • IRS;
  • TRF-3 SP/MS;
  • Court of Justice of the Federal District and Territories (TJDFT);
  • SP Civil Police;
  • MT Civil Police;
  • Federal Administrative Police;
  • CGU.

Stay tuned throughout the year so you don't miss any publications from these notices.

Competitions that close registration in January

Some published competitions that are already in the final registration phase are:

  • SÃO PAULO MILITARY POLICE: the registration deadline is January 20th;

The competition aims to create 220 student officer positions.

The starting salaries for this role will be R$ 3,310.13, being hired under a statutory regime, which generates stability.

Registration must be made on the VUNESP website, organizer of the competition. The registration fee is R$ 130.

São Paulo Military Police and IBGE open vacancies for primary and secondary levels.
  • IBGE: the registration deadline is January 21st;

The competition aims to train staff to carry out the 2022 Demographic Census.

Of the 206,891 temporary vacancies available, 183,021 will be for census takers (primary level), 18,420 will be for supervisory census agents (middle level) and 5,450 will be for municipal census agents (middle level).

The census taker's monthly earnings will be calculated by productivity, while the salaries of supervisory agents and municipal agents will be R$ 1,700.00 and R$ 2,100.00 respectively, plus R$ 458 in food allowance.

Registration must be made on the website of FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas), organizer of the competition. Registration fees will be R$ 57.50 (enrollers) and R$ 60.50 (agents).

Competitions that close registration in February

Electrical Research Company and Sergipe Finance Department offer higher-level technical vacancies.

The competitions below are open for registration now and will run until February. Are they:

  • SEFAZ SE – SERGIPE FINANCE SECRETARIAT: the registration deadline is February 6th;

The competition aims to fill vacancies for Technical Tax Auditors, with higher education in administration, accounting sciences, engineering, law, economics or related areas.

There will be a total of 50 vacancies, 10 for immediate hiring and 40 for forming a reserve register.

The remuneration will be R$ 9,400.00, with a weekly working day of just 30 hours.

Registration must be made on the CEBRASPE website, organizer of the competition. The registration fee is R$ 210.

  • EPE – ENERGY RESEARCH COMPANY: the registration deadline is February 10th;

The competition aims to fill vacancies for corporate management analysts and energy research analysts.

There will be a total of 136 vacancies, 17 for immediate hiring and 119 for the formation of a reserve register.

The monthly salary for both positions will be R$ 11,505.45.

Registration must be made on the website of FGV (Fundação Getúlio Vargas), organizer of the competition. The registration fee is R$ 125.

So, did you like these competition tips?