Social Programs

Brasil Sorridente: Get to know the program and find out how to enroll

See how it is possible to have your dental treatment without paying anything, through the Brasil Sorridente Program.

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The Brasil Sorridente program is a National Oral Health Policy that was and still is very important in the lives of thousands of Brazilians, as it offers free access to dental services through the SUS.





See how to access the program and secure your spot in the free treatment.

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These services are offered in Family Health Units (USF), Mobile Dental Units, Dental Specialty Centers and Health Posts.

The impact of this program on the lives of Brazilian families was so great that Brasil Sorridente is recognized by several other countries.

Want to know more about the program? Be sure to read the topics below:

  • Who can enroll in the Brasil Sorridente program;
  • How to apply;
  • Dental services offered;
  • The importance of taking care of your Oral Health.

Who can enroll in the Brasil Sorridente program?

Unlike some other government programs, as it is offered by the SUS, anyone can participate.

It is not necessary to fulfill any requirements. Just go to a health center and schedule dental care according to availability.

How to apply?

To make the appointment, it is necessary to present an identification document, it can be an identity card (RG) or a driver's license and the SUS card.

If you don't have a SUS card, you'll need to get one. It can be done at the health center and is ready on the spot, or if you prefer, you can issue it online on the website “Portal Cidadão” in your city.

Social Tariff for Electricity, Vale Gas and Auxílio Brasil

Check if it is possible to receive all 3 benefits at the same time

With the documents in hand, just make the appointment!

Dental services offered

As mentioned above, the Brasil Sorridente program offers free services through the SUS. Below we will list some of the dental procedures that are offered by the program, Read:

  • Oral examinations for the diagnosis and detection of cancer;
  • Fluorine application;
  • Cleanings;
  • Restorations;
  • Extractions;
  • Caries treatment;
  • Wisdom removal;
  • Tartar removals;
  • Orthognathic surgery;
  • Dental appliances for free (orthodontics);
  • Dental implants;
  • Canal (endodontics);
  • Biopsies;
  • Prostheses;
  • Gum treatment.

The first appointment will be an evaluation, the dentist will analyze whether there is a need for any treatment, and then define what needs to be done.

The importance of taking care of your oral health

Taking care of oral hygiene before the Brasil Sorridente program was only for those who had a dental plan or for those who could afford a private consultation.

Many people were unable to undergo any type of treatment, and only looked for a dentist in an extremely urgent case, but today there are no more excuses.

Taking care of oral health is extremely important, as it reduces the threat of chronic infectious and inflammatory processes.

The infectious or inflammatory process can cause diseases such as bacterial endocarditis, this disease causes inflammation of the membrane that covers the heart valves and heart walls, which can cause the patient's death.

The first step

The first step to good oral health is good oral hygiene. If the person does not have good hygiene, the residues that remain can cause gingivitis, bad breath, cavities, tartar and in more serious cases it can even lead to tooth loss.

Controlling the intake of some foods is also highly recommended by dentists, especially sweet foods such as chocolates, candies and cookies. The extreme consumption of these foods can cause the appearance of cavities, gum inflammation, tartars, among other problems.

To ensure good oral hygiene, proper brushing is extremely important, along with the use of mouthwashes and dental floss. In addition, it is also very recommended to clean the dental office periodically, ideally once every six months.

If you have any kind of problem, look for the nearest basic health unit and schedule your appointment. Do not leave it for later!

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