Social Programs

Single mother aid 2022: learn about other benefits available

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While assistance for single mothers is not approved in Brasilia, we have prepared some other aid tips that may be available to women who are heads of household. See the article below.

Brazil is experiencing a serious economic crisis.

This mainly affects the poorest layer of the population, which often comes to depend on government social programs to be able to cover their basic expenses.

Even more serious is the situation of mothers who are heads of families, as they were seriously harmed by the stoppage of day care centers and schools during the pandemic.

Many of them had to leave their jobs to stay at home with their children.

This generates a very big economic and social problem for these families, who end up being left unassisted.

What is the single mother aid project?

Bill 2099/20 provides for permanent aid for single mothers.

It aims to ensure food security and meet the basic needs of the family.

The original proposal foresees a monthly payment of R$ 1,200.00 for female-headed households.

This amount would still be readjusted annually by the INPC, along with the minimum wage, so that it would not lose purchasing power.

Discover the other benefits available

While PL 2099/20 is not approved, see what similar benefits are already available:

  • Early Childhood Benefit: intended for families that have children aged between zero and thirty-six months old, paid per member who falls into this situation.

This benefit pays the amount of R$ 130.00 per child, can be paid cumulatively up to a maximum of 5 children.

  • Family Composition Benefit: intended for families that have, in their composition, pregnant women or people aged between three and twenty-one years old, paid per member who fits in such situations.

Here the amount paid is R$ 65.00 per person in the family who is in this situation.

  • Benefit for Overcoming Extreme Poverty: minimum amount calculated per member and paid by beneficiary family of the Auxílio Brasil Program whose monthly family income per person, calculated after adding financial benefits, is equal to or less than the value of the extreme poverty line.
  • Child Citizen Assistance: granted for full-time or part-time access to day care centers, regulated or authorized, that offer early childhood education, under the terms of the regulation.

The monthly amount paid will be R$ 200.00 for families with children enrolled in part-time or R$ 300.00 for families with children enrolled in full-time.

  • Transition Compensatory Benefit: granted to beneficiary families of the Bolsa Família Program that have a reduction in the total financial value of the benefits received as a result of fitting into the new structure of financial benefits provided for in the Auxílio Brasil Program.
Keeping children enrolled in school is a mandatory requirement to maintain social benefits.

Remembering that to have access to all these programs it is necessary that the family is enrolled in the Auxílio Brasil program, through CadÚnico. For more details about this registration, read the articles below.

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