
Day Care Assistance – Find out if you are entitled and how to apply for the benefit

Day Care Assistance is a labor right and many people do not know that they can receive the benefit. Read this article and stay on top of everything!

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Read on to find out more about Day Care Assistance

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Auxílio Daycare is a benefit available to employees of private companies who need to leave their children at daycare or school.

The CLT provides that all companies that have more than 30 employees over 16 years old must provide a suitable place for mothers to maintain the care of their babies during the breastfeeding period.

maternity allowance

Find out if you are entitled and how to receive it

However, most companies do not have these places and when they do, 2 half-hour breaks are guaranteed by law during the employee's working day.

When the company does not provide this space, it has the obligation to offer Daycare Assistance to the employee. This benefit must also be given to employees who are on notice.

Want to know more about Day Care Assistance? Pay close attention to the topics below:

  • Who is entitled to the benefit;
  • How to apply;
  • Up to what age is Daycare Allowance offered;
  • Benefit amount;
  • Is the father also entitled?

Who is entitled to the benefit?

To receive Day Care Assistance, the worker must meet certain requirements, check out:

  • Have a signed work permit;
  • Be over 16 years old;
  • Work in a company that has more than 30 employees over the age of 16.

How to apply for assistance?

Employees must check with their company's HR department which documents are required and present them.

Generally, companies ask for the child's birth certificate, address and telephone number of the day care center chosen by the mother, CNPJ, a document stating the hours of stay at the day care center and the monthly fee.

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In the case of stepchildren, the company requires the presentation of a copy of the marriage certificate or stable union of the couple.

If the employee is the legal guardian of the child, even without being the mother/father, it is necessary to present a document that proves this.

Up to what age is Daycare Allowance offered?

By law, Day Care Allowance must be paid from the birth of the child up to 6 months of age. But the vast majority of companies extend the benefit to children up to 6 years old.

As we can see, it depends a lot on the company whether the benefit will be extended or not.

We should also remember that small companies (with less than 30 employees) are not required to offer Day Care Assistance.

benefit amount

As we mentioned above, when the company does not provide an adequate space for the mother to maintain the care of her baby, the Daycare Assistance is available and parents must look for private daycare centers to leave their child.

The law does not determine a specific amount that the company must pay, this is usually defined in collective bargaining. But what can't be the employee having to bear all this expense alone.

To receive the Aid amount, the vast majority of companies request proof of payment to make the aid payment. Generally, the amount of the benefit is paid together with the salary.

If the value of the daycare chosen by the parents exceeds the value stipulated by the company, the employee must pay the difference.

Therefore, it is best to choose a school that is within the aid amount.

Is the father also entitled?

Day Care Assistance was initially thought of for women. But today many companies offer these benefits to men as well. After all, the father also needs to pay for the education of his children.

The Law determines that the benefit must be paid to workers of private companies, that is, it covers women and men as well (when the company extends the benefit up to 6 years of age)

If the mother and father work in the same company, the benefit will be paid preferentially to the woman.

If you are a parent, work in a private company and do not receive Day Care Assistance, contact the HR department where you work and request the benefit.

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