Terms of Use – Information and Value

Updated on November 22, 2023.

RubikPanda OÜ, a limited company registered in Estonia (LLC, or OÜ), with VAT EE102662210, located in Tallinn, Keemia Street tn 4, 10616, Harju, Estonia, is the owner and administrator of the Information and Value website, available at https://informacaoevalor.com/.

Information and Value manages this portal. References to 'we', 'us' or 'our' in this text are exclusive to Informação e Valor. We offer this portal, including all its information, services and content, under the condition of full acceptance of the terms, conditions and policies described here by users.

Specialized in informative content and analyzes of a variety of products and services, such as applications, job vacancies, educational courses and airline tickets, Informação e Valor presents offers from national and international suppliers.

Access and use of this website are subject to the Terms described here and the Information and Valor Privacy Policy, accessible at https://informacaoevalor.com/privacy/, and must comply with applicable laws.

The General Terms and Conditions of Use aim to clarify the responsibilities, obligations and rights of users of the Information and Value website, detailed in the following sections.

We recommend carefully reading our Terms of Use. If you do not agree with the terms stipulated here, please refrain from using Informação e Valor services.

Section I – Admission

1.1 Acceptance of Terms

By using Information and Value, you agree to comply with the website's General Terms and Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy.

1.2 Age and Legal Capacity Requirements

You affirm that you are at least 18 years old and have full legal capacity to accept these Terms and Conditions of Use when accessing and using Informação e Valor.

1.3 Use Restrictions

If you do not meet the age and legal capacity requirements, or if you do not agree with the Terms and Conditions of Use, you should avoid accessing and using Informação e Valor services, as well as related websites and services.

Section II – Contact

2.1 Purpose of Contact

Our users can contact customer service for clarifications, problem resolution, complaints or for more information about our products and services.

2.2 How to Get in Touch

To contact us, fill out the form available at https://informacaoevalor.com/contact/

Section III – Responsibilities of the Parties

3.1 Acceptance of Terms

By using Information and Value, the user confirms acceptance of the website's Terms, Conditions of Use and Privacy Policy.

3.2 Links to External Sites

Information and Value provides links to third-party websites, where it is possible to hire services or purchase products. We have no involvement in these processes.

3.3 Conditions on Partner Sites

When visiting partner websites, the user must accept the terms and privacy policies of these websites.

3.4 Disclaimer for Third Party Content

We are not responsible for the terms, policies or information of services and products on third-party websites, nor for agreements made with these companies.

3.5 Internet Security

We are not responsible for damage caused by viruses or malware while browsing online. We recommend keeping security systems up to date.

3.6 Limitation of Liability

Information and Value is not responsible for damages resulting from inappropriate use of the website or force majeure events.

3.7 Financial Procedures

We do not request deposits or bank transfers to grant financial products.

3.8 Security Alerts

We do not send emails requesting personal data or containing executable attachments. If you receive such communications, please contact us at https://informacaoevalor.com/contact/.

Section IV – Conditions of Use and Restrictions

We have established strict rules for the use of our website and content. It's forbidden:

  1. Use the website for illegal activities or promote such practices.
  2. Violate laws or regulations at any level.
  3. Infringe intellectual property rights.
  4. Engaging in inappropriate behavior, such as harassment or discrimination.
  5. Disseminate false or misleading information.
  6. Spread viruses or harmful code.
  7. Collect personal data from third parties without consent.
  8. Carry out spam, phishing or similar activities.
  9. Using the website for obscene or immoral purposes.
  10. Bypass security measures.

We reserve the right to terminate or suspend use of our services for violations of these restrictions.

Section V – Limitations of Liability and Warranties

We recognize that access to our Service may be intermittent, not completely secure or prone to failure. We do not guarantee that the results obtained from the Service will always be accurate or reliable. Furthermore, the Service may be subject to occasional suspensions or cancellations without prior notice.

Your use of the Service, or inability to use it, is at your sole risk. The Service is provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis, without express or implied warranties.

Information and Value and its affiliates are not responsible for any damages, losses or claims resulting from the use of the Service, including, but not limited to, loss of profits, data or other intangible losses.

Where limitation of liability for indirect damages is not permitted, Information and Value's liability will be restricted to the maximum extent permitted by law.

Section VI – Validity and Deadline

6.1 Validity of Terms

The General Terms and Conditions of Use of Information and Value remain valid for an indefinite period of time.

6.2 Deadline for Legal Claims

Any legal or administrative action related to the use of Information and Value must be initiated within 90 days of the event giving rise to the claim, in accordance with the Terms of Use or Privacy Policy.

Section VII – Legislation and Election Forum

7.1 Applicable Legislation

The General Terms and Conditions of Use and the Privacy Policy of Informação e Valor are governed by the laws of the Federative Republic of Brazil, including the Constitution, the Civil Code, the Consumer Protection Code, the Marco Civil da Internet Law and the General Data Protection Law.

7.2 Jurisdiction for Disputes

For questions of interpretation or enforcement of these Terms and the Privacy Policy, the parties agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Chamber of Commerce of Tallinn, Estonia (The Arbitration Court of the Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry). This applies to all disputes relating to these Terms of Use.

Section VIII – Content and Intellectual Property

8.1 Intellectual Property Rights

The content of Information and Value, owned by RubikPanda OÜ and partners, is protected by copyright laws. Any unauthorized reproduction or use of this content without written permission from RubikPanda OÜ is prohibited. 

8.2 Disclaimer for Third Party Content

We are not responsible for third-party content published on the website, such as comments on forums or social networks, nor for damages resulting from the use of the website.

8.3 Actions in Case of Violations

We reserve the right to remove content that violates these terms, especially illegal or offensive content, and terminate the accounts of violating users.

Section IX – Modification of Terms and Conditions

Information and Value may change, suspend or terminate parts of its services at any time, without prior notice. In these situations, there will be no liability to users or third parties.

Use of the website implies binding acceptance of these Terms and Conditions. If you disagree with the Terms, please refrain from using the Site.

Section X – Contact Information

If you have any questions or suggestions about our services, we are available for assistance. Please email our customer service team at: [email protected].