Free Courses

SENAC 2022: learn how to get a free course


Learn how to get one of the many free courses that will be offered by SENAC in 2022.

2022 begins with the need for professional training for Brazilians to face this moment of economic crisis.

Health, administration, fashion, beauty, information technology, gastronomy. What is your favorite area of activity?

Or what area would you like to learn to specialize and give your career a new direction?

With the free courses that will be offered by SENAC in 2022, it is easier to make this career transition or learn a new profession to increase family income.

We've gathered here some information that will help you prepare and professionalize to face the job market in 2022 and achieve professional success.

What is SENAC and what is its function

SENAC (National Service for Commercial Learning) is an institution created by the Union in 1946, together with other institutions that we know as “Sistema S”.

Currently, he is the main agent of professional education focused on the area of Commerce of Goods, Services and Tourism in Brazil.

It is present in more than 1,800 Brazilian cities, through school units, pedagogical companies and mobile units.

In its portfolio there are more than 150 courses, divided into approximately 30 categories.

With all this expertise and experience, SENAC becomes the target of many people who have just arrived in the job market or who are looking for a professional replacement.

Discover the 2022 SENAC Free Program

Don't miss the opportunity to study for free. Through the Senac Free Program (PSG) you have access to several distance courses to gain new knowledge and gain more space in the job market.

The PSG is intended for people with a monthly per capita family income that does not exceed 2 federal minimum wages.

Before enrolling, the candidate must be aware of the information available in the “Prerequisites” tab of each course and make sure that he/she meets all the required criteria.

The selection of candidates will be carried out considering the following criteria:

  • selection by State;
  • selection for the course offered, according to the availability of vacancies;
  • classification obtained by the order of enrollment in the course by the candidate; It is
  • proof of compliance with the documentation required for enrollment.

The filling of vacancies in the courses will strictly obey the classification criteria until completing the number of vacancies available in each course.

The candidate must fill in the forms with the information of the requested documents and give "acceptance" during registration:

  • PSG registration form;
  • Self declaration of income;
  • Term of commitment; It is
  • Term of registration (only for Open Courses).

The “acceptance” of the candidate will imply direct responsibility for the information filled in the documents. When the candidate fills in and gives the “acceptance”, proving compliance with all the required documents, the registration will be processed and the candidate notified of its effectiveness by the informed e-mail.

The schedule with start dates for enrollment and courses will be displayed in the “About the Course” tab of each schedule. Spaces are subject to availability in the states.

How to enroll in SENAC's free courses?

After meeting the registration requirements and choosing the desired course, it is time for the candidate to register.

If the chosen course is a distance course (EAD), the chosen platform must be the SENAC EAD, through the national website. If the chosen course is face-to-face, the platforms chosen must be those of the states where the course is offered.

Bearing in mind that the fees for the gratuity process are established in specific public notices and follow the following criteria:

  • Compliance with access requirements;
  • Order of registration;
  • Number of vacancies offered in the chosen course.

So don't waste time. Choose your course and register.

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