
SBT jobs 

SBT has vacancies open for several different areas and positions. See if you have a chance!


SBT offers jobs for 12 positions on television

SBT vagas abertas (Fonte: SBT/Informação e Valor)
SBT open vacancies (Source: SBT / Information and Value)

Currently, the Brazilian Television System, famous SBT, has more than 6 thousand employees in its workforce and this number tends to increase with the new openings.

In recent months, the television company has announced new job vacancies in different areas and with different positions to occupy within the network. Keep an eye out for these vacancies!

How to apply for SBT vacancies

Check out how the registration process works to compete for one of the vacancies available on SBT

SBT vacancies open right now

Sílvio Santos is opening his wallet and offering several vacancies for different positions within SBT.

Thus, you who are in need of a vacancy can turn to the company, present your resume and compete for one of the several vacancies available. 

Most vacancies are available for São Paulo, but specifically for the cities of Osasco, Jaú and Ribeirão Preto. So residents of the region can now prepare their resumes to participate in the SBT selection of vacancies.

Become a Free Market partner

See here the step-by-step on how to register to work making deliveries and guarantee your extra income.

In this sense, it is important to highlight that some of the main benefits that the company gives to its employees are: Meal vouchers, Meal vouchers, Transportation vouchers, Medical and Dental assistance, Day care allowance and Life insurance. Depending on the vacancy, you can receive even more than that. 

The TV company also made it clear that it works with the philosophy of diversity of ideas and thinks of a future where differences are stimulating learning.

“Diversity is welcome here! We believe that differences complement each other, stimulating a learning and development environment for all SBT Family employees”, reported the Brazilian Television System

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SBT vacancies: see available areas

TV reported that there are more than 20 vacancies open for this selection and we have more than 10 positions available for entry of new professionals. See the company's available opportunities:

  • Junior/Full OPEC Analyst – Osasco/SP
  • Junior Sales Support Analyst – Osasco/SP
  • Senior Tax Analyst – Osasco/SP
  • Administrative Assistant (PcD) – Osasco/SP
  • Market Intelligence Assistant – Osasco/SP
  • Electrician – Osasco/SP
  • Occupational Physician – Osasco/SP
  • Internship in Radio and TV or Journalism – Osasco/SP
  • Young Apprentice – Osasco/SP
  • Commercial Contact – Jaú | vacancy for Botucatu, Marília and region
  • Audiovisual Media Operator – Ribeirão Preto
  • TV Maintenance Technician – Jaú

How to apply for a job at SBT?

Compete for open positions SBT (Source Freepik / Information and Value)

Those interested in these vacancies can directly access the company's website and check how the entire SBT selection process works.

Thus, to register your resume, just access the website and look for the option “Work at SBT”, which is in one of the website menus.

Thus, interested parties must send their CV containing the information we all already know. It is personal, professional information, previous experiences, skills, academic training, among other things.

See how to register to be a Rappi courier

Be a Rappi delivery man and earn more than R$2 thousand through this simple registration

After that, the company must analyze your resume and inform the next steps of the selection. That is, if it is compatible with the vacancy you want. Don't know how to make a good resume yet? So see important tips to make a good and modern resume now!

Tips for making your resume simple and efficient

It's never too late to learn how to write a good resume. It is worth remembering that many people are in the market, but still do not know how to prepare a good document in case they need it.

So let's give you some tips to do that. Check it out:

Be simple and direct

Currently, human resource managers analyze new CVs too often and do not have time to analyze each one in detail. So you must present your information directly and without fluff.

Highlight your skills

When informing your professional skills, consider answering the following question: “why should SBT hire me?” Thus, you should highlight skills that will add up in the work environment and not praise yourself.

have extra skills

Even if your position does not require extra training, it is always more attractive for the company to hire someone who has knowledge beyond what is necessary. So, always be on the lookout for acquiring new skills relevant to your job, and build that into your resume to stand out.

SBT vacancies: workers' rights

SBT journalist open vacancies (Source: Freepik/ Information and Value)

According to the Consolidation of Labor Laws (CLT), SBT is responsible for ensuring the following benefits for its employees: 

  • Register the contract in the workbook from the first day of work;
  • Conduct health examinations upon hiring and dismissal;
  • At least one paid day off per week;
  • Deposit the salary into the account indicated by the 5th business day of the month;
  • 13th salary paid regularly;
  • 30-day annual leave with a ⅓ salary increase;
  • Transportation allowance and meal allowance;
  • Maternity Leave of 4 months (120 days) and guaranteed employment up to 5 months after the baby's birth;

Become a Free Market partner

See here the step-by-step on how to register to work making deliveries and guarantee your extra income.

  • Paternity Leave with five straight days;
  • Payment equivalent to 8% of the salary into an account with the Severance Indemnity Fund (FGTS);
  • Payment of paid overtime with an increase of 50% from the standard hourly rate;
  • 12 month guarantee in case of accident;
  • 20% night surcharge for the hours from 10:00 pm to 5:00 am;
  • 30 days notice in case of resignation;
  • Unemployment insurance.

It is worth remembering that all employees are entitled to these benefits mentioned above thanks to the Consolidation of Labor Laws. However, nothing prevents SBT from changing some rules depending on the hiring and the position you will occupy in the TV network, for example, maybe an intern can be hired as a temporary worker.

In this case, the company does not need prior notice for the end of the contract, as he will know how long his employment lasts in that company. So, some rules can be readjusted when signing a contract with a new employee.

How to send resume to SBT

See how easy it is to send your resume to SBT and enter the job market right now!

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