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Bolsa Família is the Federal Government’s main income transfer program!

Federal Government Program will pay R$600 to 21 million Brazilian Families!


When entering the Bolsa Família Program, in addition to receiving R$600, the government intends to pay an extra R$150 for children up to 6 years old, monthly. In addition, families have access to other social benefits. Register and supplement your income.


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The program will benefit more than 21 million families every month, and in 2023 it will pay new amounts to beneficiaries. Check out the benefits:

Payment of R$600/month
Extra additional R$150 per child
Income supplement
Encouragement of education and health

Você permanecerá no mesmo site

After a long time without an increase, the Bolsa Família Program begins 2023 with an optimal increase in benefits. See the payment amount in our content, and check out how to register for the program!

To find out if you are eligible, you need to check the requirements to participate in the program and you can do this by accessing our text on how to register for Bolsa Família.

Checking Bolsa Família is very easy and you can do it without even leaving home. To do this, simply access the content and follow the step-by-step instructions for requesting and consulting.

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