Social Programs

Renda Melhor Jovem 2022 Program pays up to R$ 1000 for students who pass the year.


Renda Melhor Jovem Program aims to increase the passing rates in high school. Check it out below.

School dropout rates tend to increase with increasing age.

This happens due to the need that many people have to work, which ends up leaving their studies in the background.

The program established by Law No. 6,088 of November 25, 2011, aims to develop actions that offer its beneficiaries better opportunities for personal and social development.

This happens through the increase in the completion rate of Regular, Integrated or Technical and Professional High School in the State of Rio de Janeiro.

With the improvement of these indices, the State Government hopes to improve the indicators of young people in extreme poverty.

The impacts of school dropout

The impacts of school dropout are felt both in the short and long term.

In the short term, it generates people and professionals with very low educational levels, who consequently will not be able to get a good placement in the job market.

In the long term, the impact is family and social, given that children of people with low education are more likely to need to enter the labor market very early, thus perpetuating school dropout.

Who is entitled to the Renda Melhor Jovem 2022 Program?

Renda Melhor Jovem 2022 Program aims to correct the problem of school dropout.

The Renda Melhor Jovem 2022 Program will be reactivated on a pilot basis in schools in the following regions:

  • In the 10 social territories with the lowest HDI in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro: Complexes do Alemão, Chapadão, Maré, Pedreira, Lins, Penha, Jacarezinho, Rocinha, Cidade de Deus and Vila Kennedy;
  • In the 10 municipalities with the lowest HDI in the state of Rio de Janeiro: Duas Barras, Japeri, Varre-Sai, Tanguá, Silva Jardim, São José de Ubá, Cardoso Moreira, São Sebastião do Alto, São Francisco de Itabapoana and Sumidouro;
  • In the communities served by the Integrated City Program: Muzema, Tijuquinha, Morro do Banco, Pavãozinho, Cantagalo, and Rio das Pedras;
  • In other areas defined by regulation as a priority by the Government of the State of Rio de Janeiro.

How to receive up to R$ 1000 through the Renda Melhor Jovem 2022 Program?

The beneficiary of the program will be entitled to a financial benefit, which will be paid as a reward for each year of approval in Regular, Integrated or Technical and Professional High School:

  • R$ 700.00 reward for passing the 1st year of high school;
  • R$ 900.00 reward for passing the 2nd year of high school;
  • R$ 1,000.00 reward for passing the 2nd year of high school.

To enroll in the Renda Melhor Jovem 2022 Program, you must:

  • Be at least 18 years old by the date of application;
  • Have entered High School within a maximum period of three years, counting from the year of joining the Program;
  • Present a condition of extreme poverty;
  • Have been approved, without dependency that prevents the conclusion of the course in the regular period (3 years), according to the criteria defined by the Secretary of State for Education;
  • That your family is a beneficiary of the Auxílio Brasil program and has the CadÚnico.

Bear in mind that in order to remain in the program, young people will need to meet the following requirements:

  • Do not become dependent on any discipline;
  • Do not provide any incorrect information in your registration;
  • Not convicted of any socio-educational or criminal measure;
  • Do not change to any teaching modality not contemplated in the program.

Those interested must register on the website of the Secretary of State for Education (RJ).

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