Top 7 Best Telemarketing Companies to Work For
There are many telemarketing companies to work with, but today you will see which are the best in the market. Know more!
Find out which are the best telemarketing companies in Brazil
In general, telemarketing salaries are slightly higher than R$1212, the current minimum wage. But you can get more benefits if you know the best telemarketing companies to work with.
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Discover now the opportunities to work in the best telemarketing companies and how this job area works in Brazil. Know everything!
Telemarketing Opportunities
Very common in several companies, telemarketing or call center is a sector that works to meet the demands of customers from all regions. Thus, there are many opportunities for those interested in working with professional customer service.
The best telemarketing companies to work with often have a complex answering system. So, people who are looking for opportunities need to know how to deal with the most varied means of communication, such as telephone, chat and e-mail.
There are two main types of telemarketing: active and inbound. In active telemarketing, the operator contacts the customer to promote and sell products and services. In addition, he also performs collections and monitors the sale.
In receptive telemarketing, the operator answers the customer's call to answer questions and provide information about products and services, receive and record compliments and complaints.
Here in Brazil, the customer service sector is still one of the fastest growing and mainly driven by the digital market. Surveys state that there are more than 1 million operators in the country, who, in general, are young people looking to enter the job market.
Therefore, the opportunities in the telemarketing market are great and tend to remain so at least in the next year. In this sense, nothing better than knowing more about this profession and keeping an eye on requirements, specializations and even the best telemarketing companies to work for.
Requirements to work as a telemarketer
Overall, the telemarketing industry employs many young people looking for their first job opportunity in the job market. However, this is not the only class of people looking for a job in this sector.
Telemarketing vacancies do not require a higher education course and companies often train new hires. That is, it is possible to enter even without previous experience and this is one of the main attractions for the younger public.
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In any case, those who are young or older need to have some basic skills and requirements to work in telemarketing. The knowledge needed for these vacancies is not technical or from undergraduate courses, but skills to deal with people full time.
In this context, anyone interested in the best marketing companies to work for needs to meet these requirements:
- Know how to use a computer (to use the answering system);
- Have good manners when using the phone and chat, giving the best possible service;
- Clear voice, good diction and hearing
- Possess high development in verbal communication
- Liking and knowing how to deal with people, because these are the customers
- Having the emotional maturity to be calm and patient in the most critical moments of a service, since many consumers call to complain
- Have sufficient skill to manage problems during service
- Know how to work in a team and be focused on results
So we see that these skills are entirely possible to acquire if you put in the effort. See now which are the best telemarketing companies to work for!
Best Telemarketing Companies to Work For
Brazil Center
According to reports, the Brasil Center team always values proactivity and dynamism in its day-to-day activities, as everyone can cope with a high demand. In addition, the vast majority of the attendants here are young and seek to combine the quality of service with the fastest solution to problems.
Almaviva do Brasil
AlmavivA do Brasil is one of the largest companies in the field. In this sense, it brings some positive points, as it hires its employees guaranteeing their rights and payments around R$1212. So you can also search for vacancies from this company to see if it makes sense in your case.
On the market since 1999, Atendo is not only one of the best telemarketing companies to work for in Brazil, but is also one of the world leaders. Thus, your team is usually agile and focused on results. Furthermore, past employees indicate that the staff is fun and they pay well.
Call Contact Center
Contact is also a good company that works in the field of customer service and consumes paying amounts around R$1212, the current minimum wage. There is not much information available about it, but they constantly carry out new selection processes for hiring attendants
The highlight in the case of Sercom, one of the best telemarketing companies to work for, is the selection process. This is because admission to the company is usually very smooth and fast. There are reports that in a single online interview session it is possible to get the vacancy.
Teleperformance's work is good and it has a relatively easy selection process, which helps anyone looking for a new job opportunity. In this case, the company also pays values close to the minimum wage and guarantees the basic benefits that the CLT (Consolidation of the Labor Law) worker has.
According to reports from former employees, Tivit is a great company and offers good benefits for newcomers, facilitating acceptance. In addition, there is the possibility of working a little more flexible hours and to evolve in your career.
Rights in the best telemarketing companies to work for
In addition to the great opportunities to start working in a telemarketing company, many people do not know their rights. However, this is essential for anyone going into the telemarketing business, as some companies end up demanding too much.
Check your rights:
- Duration of the Working Day of 06 (six) hours per day
- 36-hour Weekly Working Day Limit
- Minimum rest period
- Meal break (intraday)
- Telemarketer Breaks, Rests, and Breaks
- Commissions and Awards
- Hazard pay
- Night Additional
- Rests and Relay Schedule
- PLR in some cases
- Transportation vouchers
- food allowance
How to Register as a Telemarketer
Don't miss the chance to see how to register with the best telemarketing companies and enter the job market!
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