
Best destinations to visit in Minas Gerais – Discover amazing places

Get to know the best destinations to travel in Minas Gerais and check out how to get to know the most beautiful places in the State of Minas Gerais!


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The best destinations in Minas Gerais come with a lot of history, culture and good food. Thus, there is no way not to be enchanted by the beautiful attractions that Minas Gerais has to offer.

The entire territory of Minas Gerais carries a lot of Brazilian culture and memories of historical moments that the country has experienced since its discovery until now.


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Currently, this is one of the favorite destinations for many Brazilians and tourists who come to discover the beauties and delights that Brazil has to offer. So don't miss out on the best destinations in Minas Gerais!

However, the state is large and has several points to visit. So, let's see now which are the best destinations in Minas Gerais and its attractions. Keep reading!

Get to know Minas Gerais and go to the best destinations

With almost 600,000 km², Minas Gerais makes up the southeast region of Brazil, thus being a prominent state throughout the country.

Currently, this federative unit has about 21 million inhabitants spread mainly in the cities of Belo Horizonte, its capital, Uberlândia, Contagem and Juiz de Fora.

Conheça os melhores destinos em minas gerais (fonte: Google adaptada)
Discover the best destinations in Minas Gerais (Source: Google adapted)

However, Minas has more than 850 municipalities and this means that there is a lot to do in Minas Gerais. Known mainly for its cuisine and history, knowing the interior of this state is an unforgettable experience for any tourist.

On the other hand, anyone traveling to Minas cannot fail to visit the famous Belo Horizonte, which in itself needs no comment.


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Given all these possibilities, today we are going to list the best destinations in Minas Gerais and everything the state has to offer for new tourists. 

Check out the list of the best destinations in Minas Gerais right now!

Belo Horizonte: discover the capital of Minas Gerais

Belo Horizonte, or BH, as many call it, is the capital of Minas Gerais and has several cultural and gastronomic attractions.

The city certainly stands out in terms of urban mobility and therefore it is very easy to move from one corner to another using public transport.

Acompanhe os melhores destinos em minas gerais (fonte: Google adaptada)
Follow the best destinations in Minas Gerais (Source: Google adapted)

This is a destination for those who want to get to know Minas, but don't have time to do itineraries in the interior. So, just getting to know the capital is already a great experience.

Those who go to BH can take a tour of the main sights of the city, such as Lagoa da Pampulha, where the Church of Francisco de Assis, Kubitschek's house and the Pampulha Art Museum (MAP) are located.


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Speaking of cultural itineraries, we have some important museums in the capital of Minas Gerais, such as the Museum of Mines and Metal, UFMG Knowledge Space, Popular Art Center, Mineiro Museum, Abílio Barreto Museum, among others.

Furthermore, tourists cannot miss a visit to the Central Market, to experience the delicious cuisine of Minas Gerais.

Capitol of Minas Gerais

Heading further into the interior of Minas Gerais, we have the beautiful waters and waterfalls of Capitólio. This is a region rich in natural beauty, bathed by Lagoa de Furnas and with great bathing areas to enjoy with the family.

Once in the region of waterfalls, some of them cannot go unnoticed. Therefore, you can make a route through the circuits of the waterfalls.

Cânions do Capitólio é um dos melhores destinos em minas gerais (fonte: Google adaptada)
Capitólio Canyons is one of the best destinations in Minas Gerais (Source: Google adapted)

This tour takes you to the Mirante dos Cânions and there everyone can admire the natural beauty and waters of this region. Then, it is possible to go through the trail of the waterfalls and discover the main ones:

  • sun trail
  • Lost Paradise Waterfalls
  • Pe da Serra Waterfalls
  • Capivara Waterfall Complex
  • Viking Retreat Waterfalls. all wonderful


Considered Cultural Heritage of Humanity by Unesco, Diamantina is one of the cities that most tell the history of this state. 

In addition, the municipality is also extremely preserved and therefore has many attractions, which even go beyond the historical part.

Diamantina é um ótimo destino em Minas Gerais (fonte: Google adaptada)
Diamantina is a great destination in Minas Gerais (source: Google adapted)

Those who go to Minas and want to get to know the countryside, need to go through Diamantina and get to know the famous Estrada Real route. There you can find old mansions and churches over a century old. 

In addition, the city is also famous for its musical culture and in it you can watch Vesperata, a show with a few dozen musicians who play on the balconies of old houses. No doubt it is a great attraction!

Inhotim in Brumadinho

Inhotim is now among one of the most attractive museums in the world. With a really huge space, in the city of Brumadinho, where tourists can discover a combination of a botanical garden and contemporary art.

The art galleries and plant exhibition scenarios are completely open-air and tourists can choose how to tour the entire museum: on foot or using electric carts.

Brumadinho é um dos melhores destinos em minas gerais (fonte: Google adaptada)
Brumadinho is one of the best destinations in Minas Gerais (Source: Google adapted)

This attraction is definitely worth visiting and, if you have time, it's good to spend more than one day, as you can't see everything in just one moment.

Black gold

The city of Ouro Preto is the main historical city of Minas Gerais. The municipality of Minas Gerais carries with it marks of practically all periods of Brazilian history.

Tourists who go to Ouro Preto can discover very important features of all the architecture of the colonial period and also discover the works of Aleijadinho and Mestre Ataíde, two of the most famous names in Brazilian art.

Conheça Ouro Preto em Minas Gerais (fonte: Google adaptada)
Discover Ouro Preto in Minas Gerais (Source: Google adapted)

In addition, visitors constantly pass by places where it is possible to experience the delicacies of the interior of Minas Gerais and satisfy hunger.

A visit to Ouro Preto cannot do without some visits, such as visiting the churches Matriz Nossa Senhora do Pilar, São Francisco de Assis, Matriz de Nossa Senhora da Conceição by Antônio Dias, Nossa Senhora do Rosário dos Pretos and the Church of Santa Ephigenia. 


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Added to this, Ouro Preto also guarantees great experiences with visits to Museums such as Inconfidência, Science and Technique of the School of Mines, Sacred Art of Ouro Preto and Aleijadinho. 


It is practically mandatory to go through Mariana after visiting Ouro Preto, as these are two of the best destinations in Minas Gerais. This is one of the main attractions of the state and the highest point in the city is the São Francisco Church.

The church has one of the most beautiful works by Mestre Ataíde: the paintings in the nave and sacristy. In addition, the pulpits are works by Aleijadinho, built in soapstone.

Conheça as maravilhas de Mariana na sua viagem para Minas Gerais (fonte: Google adaptada)
Discover the marvels of Mariana on your trip to Minas Gerais (Source: Adapted Google)

In addition to the church, there are also visits to the Casa da Câmara and Cadeia, which preserve all the furniture and architecture from the old period. Another attraction is the pillory, which recalls memories of former slave labor.

Serra da Canastra

Who doesn't like to eat? In this case, especially for cheese lovers, the tour in Serra da Canastra is essential.

In this region everyone can visit several farms that are dedicated to cheese production and there you can find mainly Canastra Cheese, Cultural and Intangible Heritage of Minas Gerais.

Lindas cachoeiras são os melhores destinos em minas gerais (fonte: Google adaptada)
Beautiful waterfalls are the best destinations in Minas Gerais (Source: Google adapted)

It is possible to get to know the culture of the interior of Minas Gerais and learn about Canasta cheese in several farms, such as Estância Capim Canastra, Sítio Bela Vista, Fazenda São Bento, Fazer Pingo de Mula and much more.

In addition, in some of these, tourists can learn and even make their own cheese and enjoy an incredible meal.

These are undoubtedly the best destinations in Minas Gerais! Also discover this new way to buy cheaper tickets and pay from R$19.99 to go to your favorite destinations by Bus!

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