Young apprentice

Young Apprentice 2023. See how to apply

We list some of the largest companies in the country that hire for the Jovem Aprendiz program. See how to apply and find your place in the job market.


We list some companies that are part of the Young Apprentice Program and list everything you need to know to apply and secure your place in the job market in 2023. Shall we start?

Select a company

Santander Young Apprentice
Young Cashier Apprentice
Young Apprentice Assaí Wholesaler
Atacadão Young Apprentice
Young Apprentice Bank of Brazil
Bradesco Young Apprentice
Itaú Young Apprentice
Young Apprentice Valley

The program, provided for in Apprenticeship Law No. 10097 requires companies to have between 5% and 15% of apprentices in their workforce. Thus guaranteeing the opportunity of the first job for thousands of young people and adolescents.

What is the Young Apprentice program?

The Young Apprentice program allows young people and adolescents aged between 14 and 24 to find their first position in the job market and also offers benefits and the same rights guaranteed by the CLT.

This is the opportunity for you, young people who meet the prerequisites, to enter the job market with a contract of at least two years.

Sign up for Caixa's Young Apprentice Program

Check out how to participate in Caixa's Young Apprentice Program right now. Know everything!

The workload required of employees who enter through this program is reduced, varies between 4 and 6 hours, to ensure the continuity of studies, which is also a mandatory requirement for the continuity of the right to the program.

Another excellent benefit is the opportunity to be hired by the company after completing the program. Since the employee will already be fully accustomed to the operation and processes in which he already works.

The apprentice must be enrolled and regularly attending school, if not graduated yet.

Which companies participate in the Young Apprentice?

Companies of various sizes and sectors hire through the Young Apprentice program. Among them we can highlight banks such as Caixa, Itaú and Santander. Super market chains such as Atacadão, Assaí Atacadistas and others. Besides, of course, the industry, in companies like Volkswagen, Honda and etc.

What is the salary of the Young Apprentice?

The value of the apprentice's remuneration is calculated based on the minimum wage divided by the number of hours worked and may be higher depending on the sector in which he works or the company where he is allocated.


Young Apprentice Program

Young apprentice

earn from of R$800.00

Participate in the Young Apprentice Program and have the opportunity to develop!

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What benefits is the Young Apprentice entitled to?

As we have already mentioned, the Young Apprentice receives a salary compatible with the market and, in addition, receives the benefits guaranteed by the CLT (Consolidation of Labor Laws). Are they:

  • Paid vacations;
  • Transportation vouchers;
  • 13th salary and FGTS payment.

In addition to the benefits of CLT, there are other factors that make entering the job market through the program a great idea.

Check out what else you can win below:

  • Course and training in the area of activity of the company;
  • Working hours limited to 6 hours a day
  • Minors cannot be forced to work overtime;
  • Employment contract registered in the Employment Card;
  • Paid holidays in the same period as school or university holidays;
  • Registration of 2% from salary as a contribution to the FGTS;
  • Meal vouchers, when applicable;
  • Contract with a maximum duration of 2 years and with the possibility of effectiveness when it is in the interest of the company;
  • For males: guarantee of FGTS payments in case there is a need to leave to serve in the Brazilian Army.

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