IPVA 2024: check payment information, discounts and values
The State Finance Department is responsible for charging IPVA. The payment schedule for 2024 has already been released. Check out.
Pay your IPVA 2024 with a discount
The value of the tax may vary depending on the region, as well as discounts that can vary from 3% to 9% in the total value. To take advantage of these benefits, you need to be careful not to delay payment.
The discount percentage depends on two factors: payment on time and in a single installment.
Therefore, look at the discount percentage that your state offers and what the payment methods are, to decide whether it is better to pay in installments or pay in full, taking advantage of the discount.
In addition to the discount, some states offer exemption from IPVA depending on the years of manufacture of each vehicle.
IPVA exemption for the year of manufacture
Check the states and manufacturing time to guarantee your right.
- IPVA exemption after 20 years of manufacture:
- São Paulo
- Paraná
- Rio Grande do Sul
- Alagoas
- Mato Grosso do Sul
- Acre
- IPVA exemption after 15 years of manufacture:
- Minas Gerais (with progressive reduction depending on the year of the car)
- Bahia
- Ceará
- Maranhão
- Rio de Janeiro
- Goiás
- Amazon
- Piauí
- Federal District
- Tocantins
- Rondônia
- Amapá
- Sergipe
- Paraíba
- Mato Grosso
- Holy Spirit
- For
- IPVA exemption after 10 years of manufacture:
- Roraima
- large northern river
- Acre
- IPVA exemption in Santa Catarina:
- For vehicles manufactured until 1985.
How do I know the value of my IPVA?
The amount payable for IPVA is a percentage of the vehicle value, according to the FIPE table (Fundação Instituto de Pesquisas Econômicas).
As provided for in article 155, III of the Federal Constitution, the state government is responsible for deciding on the rate and also for collecting annual payments.
It is common for these percentage values, the charging rates, to be between 1% and 4% of the value of your vehicle.
That is, if the value of the car is R$40 thousand and the IPVA rate is 4%, just multiply the rate by the value of the car and we have that the owner needs to pay R$1600 during the year.
It is exactly this calculation that you should do to get an idea of the amount of Motor Vehicle Property Tax you will need to pay.
However, this rule is only valid for new vehicles, as the government uses an amount based on previous payments to define the IPVA of used cars.
It is worth remembering that this is a tribute that focuses on cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, among others. But it is only for land vehicles.
How to check the price of your car?
Now that we know how the IPVA is calculated, we find it necessary to know the price of your car according to the FIPE table.
Therefore, for you to start planning in relation to payment, it is very important to understand how much your car, motorcycle or other vehicle costs.
For this, you can follow the step by step below and stay on top of the price updates for this year:
- Visit the official website of FIPE
- Select whether you want to search for cars, trucks and large vehicles or motorcycles
- Now enter vehicle details: Reference month and year, vehicle make, vehicle model and model year
- Okay, now check the price of your vehicle to get an idea of the IPVA
See below how much each state charges in IPVA:
IPVA by state
state | Aliquot |
Acre | 2% |
Alagoas | 3% |
Amapá | 3% |
Amazon | 3% |
Bahia | 2,5% |
Ceará | 3% |
Federal District | 3,5% |
Holy Spirit | 2% |
Goiás | 3,75% |
Maranhão | 2,5% |
Mato Grosso | from 2% to 3% |
Mato Grosso do Sul | 3,5% |
Minas Gerais | 4% |
For | 2,5% |
Paraíba | 2,5% |
Paraná | 3,5% |
Pernambuco | 3% |
Piauí | 2,5% |
Rio de Janeiro | 4% |
large northern river | 3% |
Rio Grande do Sul | 3% |
Rondônia | 3% |
Roraima | 3% |
Santa Catarina | 2% |
São Paulo | 4% |
Sergipe | 2,5% |
Tocantins | 2% |
IPVA: what is vehicle tax?
First, IPVA is an acronym for Motor Vehicle Property Tax, which all vehicle owners need to pay annually.
The tax emerged in 1986 after the Federal Government opted to replace the former Single Road Tax (TRU). This rate was the tax that vehicle owners paid between 1969 and the creation of the IPVA.
Since then, the IPVA is common in the lives of those who have some type of vehicle and they must pay the amounts to the state governments, either in cash or in installments.
In this sense, even if the IPVA is related to automobiles and urban mobility in general, the taxes collected go to areas such as education and health.
This division takes place between the federal, state and municipal governments, according to the needs of each of these levels of power.
However, the public administration can also use the tax money to help build and maintain roads in general.
So your money goes to sectors far beyond transport and may end up not going to develop mobility and mobility structures at all.
This has happened since the Government replaced the TRU with the IPVA. Follow other details about the tribute!
IPVA 2023 payment schedule
As the IPVA is a tax for which the collection is the responsibility of the states, the payment dates will also vary according to the federative unit in which you reside.
That is, those who live in different states can pay different amounts and on different dates, as each state has its own payment schedule.
In general, payment dates are according to the final number on the vehicle's license plate, starting from number 1 to 0.
Tips for paying property tax correctly
In short, we know that this is a mandatory and annual tax, that is, you must pay it in order not to have outstanding debts and every year you need to be ready for this expense.
Except for some cases, when the vehicle is very old, there is an exemption, but this changes a lot between states.
In this case, to catch the IPVA up to date, it is necessary to follow these tips:
- If you plan ahead
- If possible, save money to get discounts on cash payments
- Be aware of the price you will have to pay
- Negotiate issues with the government
So you will pay the IPVA correctly and you will not have problems with this tax!
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