
How to apply for jobs at Riachuelo

See the step-by-step process to apply for open vacancies in Riachuelo. Know everything!


Apply online for Riachuelo job vacancies

Riachuelo job openings (Source: Riachuelo/ Information and Value)

The chain of fashion stores is hiring new employees to meet the necessary demand with the best possible quality. So, this is your chance to apply for jobs at Riachuelo!

In this article, we are going to explain step by step how to participate in Riachuelo's selection process and get your job in one of the national trade references. Understand how!



Open vacancies Riachuelo


Register on the site and send your resume to Riachuelo!

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How to apply for jobs in Riachuelo?

Very similar to other selection processes, Riachuelo makes most of the applications through its official website. In addition, the company also relies on the help of employment platforms such as So, to apply for jobs in Riachuelo, you must:

  • Access Riachuelo's official website;
  • Go to the option “Work with us”;
  • Select the vacancy you wish to apply for;
  • Send your resume and that's it.

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See how to apply for a job at Carrefour and enter the job market on the right foot!

After this step, the next steps will depend heavily on Riachuelo's Human Resources management. Therefore, you should pay attention to the e-mail, as the company will send you instructions to participate in the other selection stages. 

According to reports, the company takes an average of 20 days to close the contract with the new employee. However, as it is an average, your hiring process may be faster or may take a little longer due to the unit's protocols.

How to write a resume for temporary employment

Get to know the step-by-step process for making a resume for a temporary job and everything it should contain!

Also, some selections may take longer than others due to the position at stake. For example, it is simpler to select a new salesperson than the new store general manager.

What vacancies are open?

The retailer has some sectors throughout its sales process. In this sense, there are stores, administrative offices, logistic warehouses and distributors. However, the main job vacancies in Riachuelo are for those who are interested in working with the public. 

In this case, it is ideal for those who enjoy dealing with people in their day-to-day lives and are able to serve customers well. The main open positions are for:

How to apply for Carrefour vacancies

See how to apply for a job at Carrefour and enter the job market on the right foot!

  • sales assistants
  • assistants
  • cashier assistants
  • cashiers
  • telemarketers
  • Young apprentice
  • Administrative assistant

These are the main vacancies for those interested in entering the market for the first time. But for you who already have experience and are looking for something more, the company also seeks to hire sales leaders, store managers and other vacancies for those who are more experienced.

Documents required to apply for the Riachuelo job

See the documents required to formalize your employment contract with Riachuelo. (Source: Pixabay).

Not only at Riachuelo, but at other companies it is also necessary to bring some documents to be hired. Therefore, we will help you to stay on top of what documents you need to bring:

  • Digital workbook;
  • Identity Card (RG);
  • Individual Taxpayer Registration (CPF);
  • Voter title;
  • Registration in eSocial;
  • Photo 3×4 (two photos);
  • Proof of address;
  • School voucher;
  • Admission test results;
  • Certificate of reservist (for those who are male and over 18 years old);
  • Proof of Marriage and/or Stable Union;
  • Partner's birth certificate;
  • Children's birth certificate;
  • School certificate for children over 7 and under 14;
  • Vaccination card for children up to 7 years old.

How to apply for Carrefour vacancies

See how to apply for a job at Carrefour and enter the job market on the right foot!

It is worth remembering that all these documents are the ones most likely to be requested, so you should check the requirement of the Riachuelo unit in question.

Advantages of working at Riachuelo

Being part of the Riachuelo team is a guarantee that you will have many opportunities to grow and demonstrate professional development. This is because the company invests a lot in its employees and has as one of its principles the proactive participation of its employees.

Now, if you are looking for a job opportunity that gives you autonomy in terms of hours and earnings, see below how to apply to work as a 99 driver. It is an excellent option!

Driver Vacancies 99

Check out what to do to be a 99 driver and earn more than R$3 thousand per month.

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