Social Programs

Loan with your FGTS. Did you know this is possible? Learn how to get


If you joined the FGTS Birthday Withdrawal modality, you can anticipate up to 3 periods and advance the realization of your dreams. Check it out below.

It is not always easy to get a loan from the bank.

Often, the demand for proof of income and the conditions imposed by financial institutions make borrowing for the lower classes something very complicated.

Therefore, many projects dreamed of by these people do not get off the ground.

In more urgent cases, people are forced to resort to alternative sources of loan, further complicating their financial lives.

But what if you could use your FGTS to get the much-desired loan?

What is the FGTS Birthday Withdrawal?

Withdrawal-Birthday allows the withdrawal of part of the FGTS account balance, annually, in the birthday month. To receive in this way, it is necessary that the work opts for this modality.

This option can be made on the “FGTS” app, on Caixa's website, on CAIXA's Internet Banking or at bank branches.

Remembering that this migration to Saque-Aniversário is not mandatory. Those who do not make this option will remain in the Withdrawal-Termination system.

Workers who opt for the Birthday Withdrawal by the last day of the month of their birthday may receive the amount of the installment in the same year of the option.

Noting that anyone who migrates to the Withdrawal-Aniversário and decides to return to the Withdrawal-Termination system may request a reversal at any time.

However, the change will take effect only on the 1st day of the 25th month of the request.

What is the FGTS Birthday Withdrawal Anticipation Loan?

As previously mentioned, the worker who adhered to the Withdrawal-Birthday modality may anticipate up to 3 periods to which he would be entitled.

Because there is a guarantee of the FGTS money itself, the credit is much more bureaucratic than a common credit.

The minimum total loan amount is R$ 500.00. It is also necessary that the amount of each withdrawal to be anticipated is equal to or greater than R$300.00.

In addition, the credit date of the last withdrawal to be anticipated cannot exceed the limit of 999 days, counting from the contracting of the loan.

The requirements to apply for the loan are:

  • Be over 18 years of age or emancipated;
  • Have a checking or savings account at CAIXA (except Social Digital Savings and CAIXA Fácil Savings);
  • Be opting for the FGTS Birthday Withdrawal and authorize CAIXA to consult your FGTS information;
  • Have a sufficient FGTS balance for anticipation, within the minimum contracting amounts;
  • Have your CPF in good standing with the Federal Revenue Service;
  • Be in good standing with CAIXA or use credit resources to pay off debt.

How to apply for the loan?

The request for the FGTS advance loan can be made by cell phone.

Within the facilities mentioned above, you can make the advance loan from the comfort of your home, without the need to go to a Caixa agency.

If you are already a Caixa account holder, follow the steps below:

  • Open your Caixa Mobile Banking App;
  • Click on the “Credit” option and then on “Birthday Withdrawal Anticipation”;
  • To finish the simulation, click on “Simulate and Hire”.

It is also possible to do the simulation through the Caixa Tem application, through the option “Birthday Loan”.

If you are not a Caixa account holder, the request must be made through the FGTS application.

If your registration is not up to date or you do not have a checking or savings account at Caixa, you can look for one of our branches throughout the national territory.

Remembering that because it is a loan, it is subject to analysis by the bank.

Now it's time to make your request, and if approved, the money will be credited to your account.

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