Free Courses

Take a programmer course and have the chance to earn up to R$30 thousand

Check out which programmer course to take to enter the market in the best way!


Take a course and compete for more than 10 thousand job openings for programmers

Employment platforms have more than 10,000 vacancies for programmers in Brazil and the opportunities are even greater for international companies that pay in dollars.

A big advantage is that even people who do not have a higher education degree in technology can enter the job market with professional courses and achieve salaries of up to R$30 thousand.




high wages vacancies

Thousands of developer jobs are open on Indeed. Access!

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Many companies are already interested in hiring new programmers who only have professional courses and no experience. In other words, a great chance for beginners.

So, don't let the opportunity pass you by and come and understand what are the main courses to enter the programming market and earn high salaries in a short time!

Earn salaries of up to R$30 thousand with programmer courses!

The programming market is growing more and more, as companies need to be in the digital market to maintain competition among themselves.

In this sense, programmers are having many job opportunities and the new thing for this area is that you don't need to go to university to start working.

Conheça o curso de programador (fonte: Google adaptada)
Discover the programmer course (source: Google adapted)

Both in-person and online professional courses offer excellent opportunities for training and entry into the market. Therefore, you do not need higher education.

The professional training courses lasting just two years already make new programmers ready to start taking on projects in the market and earn more than R$5 thousand in a few months.




open vacancies opportunity

LinkedIn has vacancies available for programmers with or without experience!

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With time and experience, it is entirely possible to reach higher positions and earn the best salaries as a programmer, which can reach up to R$30 thousand.

So, check out some programmer course options!

Programmer course: the best options for entering the market without leaving home

Oportunidades de fazer um curso de programador (fonte: Google adaptada)
Opportunities to take a programmer course (source: Google adapted)

For those who want to start working from home or don't have much time to travel to a physical course, there are several online programmer course options that provide a certificate. Check out some of the best: 

  • Fullstack Master Package (Danki Code)
  • Professional JavaScript Programmer (OneBitCode)
  • Front End Course (Alura Platform)
  • Back End Course (Alura Platform)
  • Java Developer (WEB from Scratch in a Short Time)
  • Introduction to Python (Microsoft Course)
  • WEB development course (Udemy Platform)
  • Beginner Drawing and Animation Course with JavaScript (KhanAcademy)
  • Python, Javascript, Java and HTML course (

It is important to highlight that the vast majority of these courses are focused on programming and WEB development. In other words, in most of them you learn how to develop applications, websites, among other things.

Furthermore, even in WEB development there are training areas such as Back-End, Front-End and Full Stack. Soon, we will explain these areas so that you know how to choose.

Best in-person or hybrid programmer courses

When we talk about in-person programmer courses, without a doubt the highlight comes to the country's federal and state universities.

This is still an option for you if you really want to pursue a career at the highest level of the market.




compete job

Catho has opportunities for young and more experienced programmers as well. Look!

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However, there are also options for technical courses that teach programming languages to beginners and make you ready to work in this field. Then check out the areas:

  • Analysis and systems development;
  • Software Engineering;
  • Computer Science;
  • DevOps;
  • Web development;
  • Mobile Development;
  • Back-End Development;
  • Front-End Development;
  • Full-Stack Development;

Courses focused on these areas will certainly make you capable of developing projects as a programmer, whether they are higher education or technical.

Take a programmer course without paying anything

Inicie no mercado com um curso de programador (fonte: Google adaptada)
Get started in the market with a programmer course (source: Google adapted)

In addition to the options we gave above, those who are on a low budget but want to start learning can take some programmer courses for free. 

On the internet you can find many free materials about programming, but the best free courses currently are the following:

Getting started with Python (Microsoft)

Curso de programador de Python (fonte: Google adaptada)
Python programmer course (source: Google adapted)

The Microsoft course opens the doors to programming with one of the most accessible languages on the market, Python. In it you learn how to write your first lines of code.

Furthermore, the course lasts more than four hours and covers important topics such as data manipulation, storage and other things.

Java (Oracle)

Curso de programador de Java (fonte: Google adaptada)
Java programmer course (source: Google adapted)

This is another free course option in which students begin to learn the first fundamentals of programming in Java.

Thus, it addresses fundamental programming topics, such as variables, objects, arrays, loops and decision constructions. 

There are six hours of course in which you can take your first steps and decide to enter the world of programming and in the future earn up to R$30 thousand!.

Java Fundamentals (Fiap)

Fiap offers this Java fundamentals course free of charge for anyone interested in learning the language. So, there are 80 hours of classes to teach the main topics of language and code development.

In addition, the course has all the necessary material to get started and also issues a certificate upon completion of all classes.

Getting Started with C# (Microsoft)

Another free option is Microsoft's C# introductory course. In this content it is possible to learn the fundamental aspects of the codes in C# and write your first lines.

Students also have the opportunity to understand how to change the appearance of codes and perform other internal functions of this new language.

These are just some free and reliable course options that are available on the market, but you can search and find other options on our blog!

What to learn to be a good programmer?

Novos aprendizados com o curso de programador (fonte: Google adaptada)
New learnings from the programmer course (source: Google adapted)

In addition to the curriculum of your main course, a programmer who has more knowledge can come out ahead when it comes to getting a job.

Furthermore, those who know more generally have higher salaries and so it is important to learn some topics outside of your main training. Are they:

  • Understand and master logic in computer programming
  • Specialize in computer programming in different languages
  • Analyze and solve code problems 
  • Differences and changes between codes from different languages
  • Work with variables, decision and repetition structures, among others
  • Possible areas of work for a programmer

Did you enjoy staying up to date with everything about the main programmer courses and what to learn to enter the market? Then you will also be interested in these job openings that pay up to R$30 thousand for programmers!

So, check now where to access the more than 10,000 vacancies available and how to start applying for one of them to conquer your place in the job market. Find out everything!

Become a programmer and earn up to R$30 thousand

There are more than 10 thousand vacancies in the programming area throughout Brazil. Check out how to guarantee your entry into the market!

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