
Infojobs job vacancies

Great job opportunities are at Infojobs. Learn more about the platform!


Infojobs: the complete platform to enter the job market.

Infojobs vacancies open (Source: Adobe Stock/ Information and Value)

Currently, the online market is increasingly advanced, so that many companies carry out employee selection over the internet. So, to participate in this you can turn to Infojobs!

Just like, Catho and LinkedIn, Infojobs offers thousands of job openings every month and it is possible to get a job without even paying a penny.

Sign up for Infojobs

Register your resume at one of the largest employment agencies in the country

What is infojobs?

Infojobs is currently a digital platform that gathers various information about companies and job vacancies in general. In this sense, people can find vacancies and even apply without having to leave the comfort of their home, thanks to the internet. 

In short, the site has its paid and free modality, making it easier to get a job if you choose the first one. But why that? It turns out that in addition to advertising vacancies, Infojobs also connects your resume with companies that have vacancies with a profile similar to yours. 

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In this sense, those who subscribe to the paid plan have more resources, whether to look for specific vacancies or to access information before ordinary users.

In any case, it is possible to find the company, position and vacancy that makes the most sense for you through Infojobs. So you enter the market without making so much effort to leave the house and deliver resume door to door.

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Is using Infojobs safe?

Due to the increase in scams and fraud on the internet these days, it is common for many people to be in doubt about how Infojobs works and whether the site is safe.

In this case, we can anticipate that Infojobs is indeed a safe site and can help you to get a job. Also, nobody is forced to pay for the premium plan and you can choose to use the free version of the platform.

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McDonald's job vacancies

You can also be part of the fast-food chain.

In either version, the company takes your resume and sends it to potential contractors, establishing a connection between employer and employee. However, Infojobs does not interfere in the selection process.

On the site there are some tools to help you follow the entire hiring process in a company. In this way, it is possible to see if the management has already read your resume, talk to recruiters and see the status of the selection.

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Anyone who still wants to get the paid version of the platform can rest assured, as the payment environment is fully protected and SSL certified. 

That is, your bank details will be encrypted and nobody will be able to steal or use your data.

Functions available to those who are on Infojobs

Vagas Infojobs abertas (Fonte: Adobe Stock/ Informação e Valor)
Infojobs vacancies open (Source: Adobe Stock/ Information and Value)

Like a good job vacancy website, Infojobs offers several functions so that you can find the ideal vacancy for your professional profile. In this sense, after completing your registration, you can enjoy the following functions of the platform:

  • Receive notifications of new job opportunities in your profile or email;
  • Find ideal vacancies with the search filter;
  • Apply for available vacancies and find out about the status of your applications;
  • Attach resume in Word or PDF;
  • Knowing your chance to do well with the vacancy;
  • View a comparison between candidates

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Other Infojobs functions and services are available to classes of workers, either as CLT or Legal Entity, with the paid version of the site. 

These people are able to look for jobs with a better chance of hiring and increase the indication of their resume. Therefore, this group is more likely to take on a contract as long as they pay for the special plan.

Vacancies available for hire

First, the platform has job offers from more than 119,000 companies across the country. Because of this, it is already possible to imagine the variety of positions that Infojobs offers on its website. So, check out some of the most popular ones:

  • Seller
  • kitchen assistant
  • First job
  • Nurse
  • Store manager
  • sign language interpreter
  • Trade Representative
  • IT Analyst
  • Internship
  • Commercial assistant
  • Vigilant
  • Systems Analyst
  • Production assistant
  • Cleaning assistant
  • Driver

Find out everything you need to register

See here the step-by-step process to register on the Uber website and start working as a partner driver.

  • Telemarketing
  • Administrative Assistant
  • General Assistant
  • Young apprentice
  • Store Operator
  • Civil engineer
  • Trade Representative
  • IT technician
  • Nursing Technician
  • Receptionist
  • Accounting
  • Attorney
  • Hospital Receptionist
  • HR Analyst
  • Warehouse

These are the main ones, but obviously not the only vacancies. In addition, to find other job opportunities, simply access the site and use the advanced filter to search for open positions in your area.

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How to access the Infojobs website

Overall, accessing Infojobs is much easier than most realize. In addition, the entire registration process is easy and fast, just search for Infojobs on Google and access one of the first sites that appear in search results.

Once inside the site, you must start your registration and vacancies of interest. At that time, the platform will require personal and professional information, such as:

  • Full name
  • Email
  • Address
  • RG and CPF
  • Contact phone number
  • Resume in Word or PDF
  • salary expectation
  • Time availability
  • Benefits

Bear in mind that companies are not going to hire you right away and that the website does not work magic. Instead, Infojobs' mission is to connect you with a company that might fit your profile.

So, even though it is one of the best tools to find a job on the internet, your responsibility begins after getting through the resume presentation phase.

Some advantages of registering with Infojobs

Novas vagas infojobs disponíveis (Fonte: Adobe Stock/ Informação e Valor)
New infojobs vacancies available (Source: Adobe Stock/ Information and Value)

If you are looking for a job vacancy, you may wonder whether it is really worth participating in Infojobs. In that case, let's bring some advantages that you have in choosing the site instead of going after a job alone.

Are they:

  • Your resume has much more visibility
  • Wide range of companies available
  • Jobs targeted to your area of expertise using the job search filter
  • Find your jobs from the comfort of home
  • Follow the selection closely
  • Participate in multiple applications at the same time
  • Don't depend on just one company

See also how to register on the site and look for the ideal job without leaving home!

How to register for Infojobs vacancies

The step-by-step guide to getting the job of your dreams at Infojob is here

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