
Gupy offers vacancies: find out about the opportunities

Gupy vacancies are now available and you need to hurry to register!


Keep reading and learn all about Gupy vacancies

Vagas Gupy (fonte: Gupy/ Informação e Valor)
Gupy vacancies (source: Gupy/Information and Value)

If you are in the relentless search for a job opportunity and still don't know for sure how to solve this problem, Gupy has vacancies that can be a great solution!

Don't stand still waiting for chance to fall from the sky. Instead, check out everything about this tool that is helping thousands of professionals from all over Brazil right now!

Sign up for Gupy

Job vacancies are open and Gupy will carry out selections shortly. Take the chance!

What is Gupy?

Recently we are going through the biggest advances in technology and also creating digital solutions for many things, but some problems keep recurring.

One of them is the lack of employment or even difficulty finding vacancies. In fact, there are many market opportunities. However, we often fail to see the opportunity in these door-to-door searches. 

Sign up for Infojobs

Register your resume at one of the largest employment agencies in the country

To save people who need a new job, Gupy is a digital platform that brings together several job opportunities for every position, area and company you can imagine. 

That is, it is your chance to find the ideal job without having to leave your home. That's right, all research takes place from the comfort of your couch.

Young Apprentice Vale!

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Gupy has been operating in the job vacancy market for some years, but specifically in the part of selection processes. Currently, hundreds of companies in the national market use the site to carry out their hiring online.

So, you'll probably have to go through a Gupy selection process to get your job if you're looking on a job site.

This recruitment software is gaining more and more adherence by companies that want to conduct selection processes online. See how it all works!

Can everyone trust Gupy?

Novas vagas Gupy abertas (fonte: Adobe Stock/ Informação e Valor)
New Gupy vacancies open (source: Adobe Stock/ Information and Value)

Currently, this selection process platform is the main option for companies that advertise their vacancies on the Internet on sites such as LinkedIn, Infojobs and others.

So, if you've already looked for job vacancies on the internet, like most Brazilians, you must have already come across a selection process administered by the company. 

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In general, because it has a large number of companies and has been in the market for a few years, Gupy is indeed a very reliable company. In that case, you can trust your information without risking it.

This system emerged in 2015 and since then it has been helping many companies with the initial screening process of the resumes of professionals who want to participate in the selections. 

Sign up to be a Bradesco apprentice

See right now how to be a young Bradesco apprentice!

According to some data, Gupy reached the result that a third of the professionals selected by the system are hired.

In addition, management folks have also noticed that nearly 90% of hires are people who are in the top 25 of Gupy's rankings for a vacancy.

Sign up for the Banco do Brasil young apprentice

Check out how easy it is to participate in the selection process at Banco do Brasil

These results show that Gupy, in addition to being very reliable, tends to be very accurate in ranking candidates for a vacancy.

How do Gupy's selection processes work?

As we've seen so far, the system is a Human Resources solution for companies that want to simplify the selection of new employees.

Sign up to be a Santander apprentice

Stay on top of the steps to become a Santander apprentice

Even so, Gupy is not responsible for defining the stages of a job selection until the candidate gets the final contract.

It works like this: the company you want to hire must formulate how you want to go about the selection process and Gupy manages all the steps as agreed.

Sign up for Caixa's young apprentice program

Check out how to participate in Caixa's young apprentice program right now. Know everything!

Anyway, some steps are quite common in these processes. Due to this, we can highlight the following steps as practically certain in admission:

  • Resume submission;
  • Professional profile test;
  • Proficiency test;
  • Language test;
  • Interview with administrative manager;
  • Interview with the Human Resources department.

How to write a resume for temporary employment

Get to know the step-by-step process for making a resume for a temporary job and everything it should contain!

Stay tuned, as other steps and challenges may arise on your way to the ideal job, but none of that will be enough to get you out of the job.

In addition, just as there are some more complicated processes, there are also some that are simpler, faster and easier.

Check out how to make a resume for telemarketing

You want to work, but for that you need a good resume. So here's how to make your resume for a telemarketer!

What jobs are available at Gupy?

Overall, a few thousand companies use Gupy to manage their selection processes. So, the gupy itself does not make vacancies available, but it helps companies to hire for the positions they need.

Therefore, it is common for selection process software to take care of admissions for various positions, among which we can highlight:

  • Administrative assistant
  • Seller
  • Administrative Assistant
  • Receptionist
  • Administrative intern
  • work safety technician
  • logistic assistant
  • Commercial assistant
  • logistic assistant
  • Commercial assistant
  • Accounting analyst
  • Store manager

Sign up for Infojobs

Register your resume at one of the largest employment agencies in the country

According to some surveys, these are the most sought-after vacancies in Brazil and are also the ones with the most vacancies in the job market. 

Some of them are openings at the beginning of the career that have lower salaries, around R$1212 to R$2 thousand. But it can change your reality.

What are the advantages of joining Gupy?

Vagas Gupy disponíveis (fonte: Adobe Stock/ Informação e Valor)
Gupy vacancies available (source: Adobe Stock/ Information and Value)

Clearly opting for online selection processes is much more interesting than going door-to-door delivering resumes. This is because, in addition to reaching a small area of offers, you often lose days and weeks in search of a few job openings.

It is also worth noting that with online processes, such as Gupy performs, it is much simpler to participate in one, two or more applications simultaneously. This saves you time and is much more efficient. 

See how to register for the young apprentice program

Participating in the young apprentice program is very simple and you can check out the step by step by clicking here!

Check out some of the main advantages of using Gupy:

  • Find the job that matches your profile
  • Participate in multiple applications at the same time
  • Participate in selection processes from all over Brazil
  • Participate in everything from the comfort of Home

In light of this, it became clear that online selection processes are much more advantageous than the old way of looking for jobs.

Sign up for Indeed

See how to apply to Indeed and take advantage of job openings

But also, nothing prevents you from going to companies and also using internet tools to find the ideal vacancy.

Check out how to use Gupy to your advantage right now with our other recommended article. Click and take the opportunity to stay on top of all the information to register!

Sign up for Gupy

Follow the step by step to register with Gupy and get your job!

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