Young apprentice

How to register to be a Bradesco Young Apprentice

Stay on top of the step-by-step process to become a Bradesco Young Apprentice right now!


Guarantee your labor rights as a Bradesco Young Apprentice

Seja um jovem aprendiz Bradesco (Fonte: Adobe Stock/ Informação e Valor)
Become a Bradesco Young Apprentice (Source: Adobe Stock/ Information and Value)

Vacancies are already open for those who want to be a Bradesco Young Apprentice, but to participate in the selection process it is necessary to know how to apply correctly.

So, in today's article, we'll keep you informed of all the rules and the detailed step-by-step to participate in the program and get ahead of the competitors. Check out!


Bradesco Young Apprentice

Job opportunity

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Vacancies for the Bradesco Young Apprentice are open

If you are a young person or teenager between the ages of 16 and 23, the opportunity to start working has arrived. With the Bradesco Young Apprentice it is possible to make this dream come true.

Vacancies to be a Bradesco Young Apprentice are available and with that some people will have the chance to participate in one of the best financial teams in the country. 

Sign up for Infojobs

Register your resume at one of the largest employment agencies in the country

Bradesco has not yet reliably reported how many vacancies are available, but it has almost 110,000 employees, so we expect a good number of vacancies. 

Now that you know that the vacancies are open, it's time to check if you really have the right to apply for one of the chances. 

Sign up for Caixa's Young Apprentice Program

Check out how to participate in Caixa's Young Apprentice Program right now. Know everything!

Requirements to be a Bradesco Young Apprentice

In general, the Apprenticeship Law considers young people between the ages of 14 and 24 to be apprentices. In the case of Bradesco, there is a slight change in the rule: it prefers to hire professionals in the 16 to 23 age group. 

In addition, the company is more interested in hiring young people interested in staying with the company and developing a career within the bank. This is because the financial institution invests a lot in its apprentices and does not want to lose them.

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McDonald's job vacancies

You can also be part of the fast-food chain.

Another condition to be an apprentice at the bank is to be enrolled in high school, for those under 18 years old, or to have completed this phase, if you are over 18 years old. 

This is a condition that the Apprenticeship Law itself provides: 

” Art. 428. An apprenticeship contract is a special employment contract, agreed in writing and for a specified period, in which the employer undertakes to ensure methodical technical-professional training to those over fourteen and under eighteen years old enrolled in an apprenticeship program, compatible with their physical, moral and psychological development, and the apprentice, to perform, with zeal and diligence, the tasks necessary for this training.”

Step by step to enroll in the program

See now the step-by-step process to enroll in Bradesco's Young Apprentice program and complete the steps before the opportunity runs out. Check out:

  • Go to Bradesco's official portal;
  • After that, proceed to the end of the page and click on the option “register curriculum”, which is highlighted in blue color
  • Now, indicate your location for the system to inform you about the availability of vacancies for your country, state and city
  • Check the “Open vacancies” section and see which one fits your profile
  • Select the “apply now” option on the position that makes the most sense for you and make sure you meet the requirements
  • Then enter your personal data in the available fields. They are usually given as name, surname, address, city, state, country and upload your resume in the system
  • Provide a phone number for the bank to contact and click “next”

Finally, after following these steps, your resume goes to the bank's database and you enter the selection process for the Young Apprentice vacancies. Now, just wait for HR to see your qualifications and inform you about the next steps of admission.

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The modern curriculum is quite different and more efficient than the old models. Check out how to make your own!

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