
Brazil Aid 2022: How to apply to receive the benefit payment

In addition to being enrolled in CadÚnico, there are other requirements to ensure payment for your family. Check out.

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Keep reading to learn how to receive the aid best known by Brazilians

Auxílio Brasil brings together, in a single program, several public social assistance policies, which extend to health, education, employment and income distribution.

The program is aimed at families living in poverty and extreme poverty across the country and to ensure receipt it is essential to be registered in the CadÚnico.

How to enroll in CadÚnico

See how to register to receive the Brazil Aid.

The objective is to provide the population with easier access to government benefits.

In addition, of course, to guaranteeing a basic income to these families, encouraging them to achieve their financial autonomy and leave the situation of social vulnerability.

Who is entitled to receive the Brazil Aid?

As already mentioned, being registered with CadÚnico is a prerequisite to guarantee receipt of the benefit, but in addition, it is necessary to:

  • Being in poverty or extreme poverty;
  • The family is framed in an emancipation rule

According to the Federal Government, a situation of extreme poverty is established in cases where the monthly income per individual is less than R$ 100.00.

The situation of poverty, on the other hand, is characterized by income per person being between R$ 100.01 and R$ 200.00.

Emancipation rule means that the family can continue to receive the aid for a certain period, even if a member has been hired under the CLT regime, but I maintain the criterion that the monthly income does not exceed R$ 525.00 per person.

In order for your family to receive the Brazil Aid, in addition to complying with the conditions above, you must maintain:

  • Up-to-date prenatal care, for families with pregnant women;
  • Up-to-date vaccination schedule for families with children and adolescents;
  • Nutritional monitoring of children and adolescents.

How to receive the Assistance Brazil

The payment of the Auxílio Brasil can be made through the following accounts: 

  • Digital Social Savings;
  • Demand Deposit Checking Account;
  • Special Deposit Account; It is
  • Accounting Account (social platform of the Program). 

Another interesting option is to use the Caixa Tem application, from Caixa Econômica Federal, to receive your benefit.

If you choose to pay for the app, you can also take advantage of other features, such as making payments, transfers, pix and withdrawals with the virtual debit card.

The amount deposited in your account is available for withdrawal for 120 days after the date indicated on the calendar.

Check the Auxílio Brasil payment schedule

The payment of the Auxílio Brasil takes place according to the end of the NIS number (Social Identification Number). The amount will always be released from the second half of each month.

NIS final digitJanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember

More than 20 million Brazilians already benefit from the Auxílio Brasil program, and this number is rising even more each month.

To qualify for the benefit, you must meet one of these criteria.

  • Families in extreme poverty;
  • families in poverty; It is
  • families under emancipation rule.

Families in extreme poverty are those with a per capita monthly family income of up to R$ 105.00 (one hundred and five reais), and those in poverty with a monthly per capita family income between R$ 105.01 and R$ 210, 00 (one hundred and five reais and one cent and two hundred and ten reais).

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