
Day trade: Greater potential and greater risk in the financial market

See how people earn more than R$5 thousand in a single day, with simple Day Trade operations. Keep reading!


Get the opportunity to turn R$1 thousand into R$5 thousand on the same day with Day Trade

It's not news to anyone that the internet is revolutionizing the ways to earn money on a daily basis. In this sense, one of these opportunities is to understand Day Trade, making it possible to profit more than R$5 thousand in a single day.

This activity in the investment business multiplies the amount you invest and on the same day it is possible to make a lot of profit, if you know how to use it. See in our content how Day Trade works!

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The financial or investment market is getting stronger in Brazil. Along with this, people are increasingly aware of the possibilities of operations in the market.

One of the fastest growing activities in the field is Day Trade operations. Even if the trade is a little complex to understand, many people are venturing out and managing to profit.

How does Day Trade work?

Of course, it is necessary to understand how the process works in general. Well, the trade is an advanced trading strategy widely used by experienced operators in the financial market.

The trade consists of a short-term operation with the purchase and sale of market shares in order to quickly make money from price variations.

Conheça como day trade como funciona (fonte: Freepik)
After all, how does Day Trade work? (Source: Freepik)

For example: you can buy a share at R$10 and sell it when it is priced at R$25. In that case, the profit would be R$15 for each share you bought.

It is worth remembering that the trade can trade with virtually any product that is on stock exchanges around the world, such as real estate funds (FIIs), ETFs, stocks, among other things.

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That's because the market is full of options for those who are going to start in the business and you can earn a lot of money if you understand the advantages and risks of these financial operations.

In this case, those who want to make money with Day Trade do not need to analyze companies or the asset in which they are going to invest, as the focus is on the daily appreciation of this financial product.

How to invest in Day Trade to multiply your income

Demand for the Day Trade market is growing more and more and people want to know how to enter operations and transform their lives. 

To understand how to start day trading, you need to follow this step by step:

Aprenda como investir no day trade (fonte: Freepik)
Learn how to invest in Day Trade. (Source: Freepik)
  • Find a broker and open your account with the correct details;
  • Set aside an amount that you can actually spend on your operations;
  • Know the asset that will be traded and also study trade techniques to maximize the chance of profit;
  • Access your broker's home broker and carry out your operations intelligently.

Through the steps above you will be able to start day trading on the right foot and profit from your first operations. However, it is also important to know that not all of the profit will be yours.

That's because here in Brazil we have some taxes to pay for operations in the financial market and market beginners need to understand how this works.

Taxes on Day Trade Operations

Aiming to help people who are excited to get started in the market, we have separated the main fees that come into play when you profit from Day Trade. 

So check out what these taxes are:

Aproveite e aprenda como investir no day trade (fonte: Freepik)
Enjoy and learn how to invest in Day Trade. (Source: Freepik)
  • Emoluments from Bovespa and CBLC (Companhia Brasileira de Liquidação e Custódia): charge of 0.025%, in this case 0.02% for settlement and 0.005% for fees;
  • Income tax: those who are trades need to pay about 20% of their monthly profits to Income Tax and this does not depend on the value that the investor negotiated previously;
  • brokerage fee: This brokerage fee is simply a “service fee” that some brokerages charge for using their system. However, today it is already possible to find several companies that do not carry out this charge;
  • Tax over service (ISS): generally levied on top of the brokerage fee, with a rate of 9.65%.

Great benefits of being a Day Trader

Now that you know how Day Trade works, it is also interesting to know the benefits of working with these financial operations. So check out some of them:

quick gains

In general, asset purchase and sale operations take place on the same day, so the first positive point is the speed to earn your money.

Novas oportunidades de conhecer como day trade como funciona (fonte: Freepik)
New Day Trade Opportunities. (Source: Freepik)

In addition, some operations take just a few seconds to complete and you can gain or lose the money you invested in the appreciation of that asset.

For example: you invested R$100 in the appreciation of an asset for the next 30 seconds. After that time, if it appreciated as you thought, for example, to R$1000, you just earned some extra money in less than a minute.

High percentage of winnings

By investing in the appreciation or depreciation of an asset, you start to greatly increase your profit percentage. That's because if you bought a share for R$500 and managed to sell it for R$1500, that's R$1 thousand of profit for you.

It is worth remembering that even with this high possibility of earnings, it is necessary to be aware of the possible risks of operating in Day Trade.

Novas chances de trabalhar com day trade (fonte: Freepik)
New chances to work with Day Trade. (Source: Freepik)

The trade needs to have knowledge, practice and self-control, and still know when to act. That is, if you are inexperienced, you will end up losing more money than you win.

Don't Lose Money Day Trading: Lower the Risks

When we talk about risks, we are not referring to failures in brokerage systems or cybercrime, but to the risks that you yourself assume when operating in Day Trade.

To reduce risks, as in any activity, to be successful it is necessary to understand how Day Trade works and study this modality of quick investments. 

Veja como day trade como funciona esse ano (fonte: Freepik)
See how Day Trade works this year. (Source: Freepik)

Also, you need to be aware that at the same speed that you make money, it is also possible to lose it. Thus, to reduce the risks of losing money with Day Trade, you need to understand the appreciation and depreciation behaviors of the charts.

It is also necessary to know the tools to analyze highs and lows of a particular stock, real estate fund, ETF or any other product.

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Added to this, a great indication for professional investors is that the new Day Trade has a diversified capital, that is, invest in products from various economic sectors

That is, if you invest in industry, trade in food, clothing, agriculture companies and so on, there is a reduction in the risk of trades.

New market opportunities for Day Trade

Many people are taking risks in this new market activity, but few know efficient strategies to earn more and lose less. 

Therefore, we brought three opportunities for strategies to operate and stay in profit with Day Trade. Are they:

Homem entendendo como day trade como funciona (fonte: Freepik)
New market opportunities for Day Trade. (Source: Freepik)
  • Scalping: this is one of the most used and deals with buying and selling in a short period of time. You also tend to invest less in it and thus run less risk. On the other hand, many more operations are carried out throughout the day.
  • Reverse Trading: In this strategy, you should always think against the market and explore price swings that products can give. That is, if a product is appreciating, you can invest in its devaluation, as it will not increase in price forever.
  • Momentum trading or momentum trading: this strategy exploits the real trend of the market. So, if the product is increasing in value, you invest in increasing its value and so on.

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