
Be a Mercado Livre courier and earn up to R$240 per day – See how to register

Take advantage of the opportunity and see how to register for Mercado Livre courier vacancies in your region. Check out the full step-by-step!


Earn up to R$240 per day as a MercadoLibre courier

If you are looking for a simple activity to occupy yourself and still make some extra money every month, Mercado Livre courier vacancies are ideal for you.

The company has several opportunities in its region. Those who learn how to deliver to Mercado Livre are easily earning their R$240 per day, that is, an average of R$7 thousand/month. Check out how to register for one of the vacancies!



Earn up to R$240/day

earn up to R$240 per day

Vacancies open in your region for Free Market Deliverer.

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Online sales commerce is growing. One of those involved in this sales process is the delivery of goods. They act as independent professionals and carry out the transport of goods from the distribution center to the customers' address.

The good news is that this activity is paying around R$240 per day, depending on the number of deliveries made. And the Free Market has several vacancies open in your region. Check out!

How do I apply for a Free Market courier job?

Free Market couriers can earn good money, which can reach up to R$7 thousand per month. Here's how to apply for a job:

  • The first step is to download the 'Mercados Envio Extra' application on your cell phone;
  • Then register with your personal information;
  • Also provide photos of the documents to prove that everything is correct;
Entenda como fazer entregas para o mercado livre (fonte: Google adaptada)
Understand how to deliver to the free market (source: Google adapted)
  • With the registration ready and under analysis, you can now start the online tutorial on how to use the Mercado Livre courier application (this step is mandatory if you want to be a courier);
  • In a short time the company will approve your registration and you can start working.

Prerequisites to work as a Free Market courier

It is important to note that, even though the registration process on the platform is very simple, couriers need to meet some requirements to start working.

However, it's nothing too complicated. In advance, if you have a driver's license and a regularized vehicle, you're already halfway there.



Earn up to R$240/day

earn up to R$240 per day

Vacancies open in your region for Free Market Deliverer.

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So, see what are the conditions to be a delivery man and earn R$7 thousand per month:

  • Have a digital account at Mercado Pago;
  • Be a MEI, that is, be duly registered as an individual micro-entrepreneur and have the delivery activity as your main or secondary occupation;
  • Be of legal age, that is, be over 18 years of age;
  • Own a vehicle, whether car or motorcycle, of up to 15 years of use;
  • For motorcycles it is necessary to have a trunk or backpack of at least 80 L;
  • Valid National Driver's License.

As we said, the application process is simple and so are the requirements. Therefore, if you fit the above requirements, be sure to register, as there are several vacancies in your region waiting for you.

Now, in addition to Mercado Livre, other platforms also have job openings for the role of delivery person. One of them is Rappi. Click the link below and check out this opportunity!

Earn from R$2mil as a Rappi delivery man

New vacancies are open to be a Rappi delivery person in your region. Confirm your candidacy!

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