
How to download Google Files and free up space on your phone

See the step-by-step guide to download Files from Google and have more space on your cell phone without paying anything! The installation process is quick and easy, and Files by Google will help you remove unnecessary files and clear your device's cache.


More memory on your cell phone without paying anything with Google Files

Instead of worrying about full storage, you can manage all data and files on your device using Google Files. 

With more than 1 billion downloads, the Google application is currently one of the most used by those who like to have more performance and don't want to worry about useless files on the device.



Download Files from Google

cleaning of memory

Download Files by Google for free and have more memory on your phone!

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Therefore, if you are looking for more space on your device and to have an increasingly agile cell phone, it is worth checking out Google Files. 

So, continue reading our article and see the detailed step-by-step guide on how to install the app and clean your cell phone in the blink of an eye. Check it all out in this article!

See how to have more space on your smartphone like Google Files 

Firstly, anyone who wants to have more space available on their cell phone needs to install Google Files and this is really very simple. 

In any case, the complicated part can be after installation and that's why we have a very detailed step-by-step guide to teach you how to install and clean your cell phone for the first time. So check it out!

Files do Google (fonte: Google adaptada)
Google Files (Source: Google adapted)

Go to your device's app store

Whether Android or iOS, because Files by Google is available for both, the first step is to access the app store on your phone, tablet or other mobile device.

Then, go to the search bar and type “Google Files” and wait for the system to show you program options with names related to this. 

Página do Files do Google (fonte: Play Store)
Google Files page (Source: Play Store)

Obviously, the official Google LLC application should appear at the top of the results list, as it has the best reviews and the largest number of users.

Install Files by Google 

Now that you've found the official application, it's time to tap the “install” option to make the program part of your smartphone.

While the installation process is happening, you can find other information about the application on its page, such as images, reviews from other users and usage reports. 



Download Files from Google

cleaning of memory

Download Files by Google for free and have more memory on your phone!

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In other words, you have a kind of briefing before entering the application for the first time.

Gain more space by cleaning files

The big advantage of using Google Files to clean unnecessary files from your phone is that it gives you suggestions for cleaning your memory. 

This way, you don't have to spend hours choosing what to delete or not, just analyze the application's recommendations. 

Imagens do Files do Google (fonte: Google adaptada)
Images from Google Files (Source: Google adapted)

All of these suggestions are available in the “Free up memory” tab, where you can also remove temporary files, screenshots, duplicate files and much more.

Files also shows a list of all your apps and how much memory they are taking up. So you can choose whether to clear that app's cache or uninstall it. 

clean your cell phone 

Now that you know how to see Google Files recommendations, just select what will be on the device. Also select what is junk in your memory. After choosing, tap “clear”. 

It is important to remember that cell phone programs are constantly sending and receiving data and, sometimes, they are of no use and only slow down the device.

Aprenda a baixar o Files do Google (fonte: Google adaptada)
Learn how to download Files from Google (Source: Google adapted)

Therefore, the right thing to do to get more memory and more performance from your smartphone is to carry out these cleanings frequently. 

Is it worth using Files by Google?

As soon as you enter the Files page on the Play Store, you can see that it has more than 1 billion downloads, that is, without a doubt one of the most used in the world.

Furthermore, the application has an average of 4.6 stars, considering its almost 7 million reviews.

It is also important to highlight that the app belongs to Google, one of the most renowned technology companies at the moment. So, we fearlessly recommend Files by Google as your phone cleaning app. Download now!



Download Files from Google

cleaning of memory

Download Files by Google for free and have more memory on your phone!

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