
CRLV Digital – Learn how to download your vehicle document

The digital CRLV can be downloaded by following a few simple steps. Check out!


Get your CRLV Digital easily, safely and conveniently

crlv digital
The application is super safe and still has several services for its users. (Source: Google adapted).


CRLV Digital

The Application is free!

Download CRLV Digital and minimize bureaucracy to obtain your vehicle's CRLV.

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The Vehicle Registration and Licensing Certificate is a document that serves to prove the legalization of vehicles in general.

It is necessary to prove data that were recorded by the body responsible for registering the car.

By downloading the application, you can access various information and documents about your vehicle, such as pending documents, new invoices, insurance that has been contracted and licensing details.

Learn more about how to download the App by reading the topics below!

Complete guide to download the app

Rest assured! The app is completely free and easy to download. Check it step by step:

1) Download the application “CDT – Carteira Digital de Trânsito”

This app is available for Android and iPhone. Just go to your phone's app store and download it.

2) Make your registration

Provide the requested data.

3) Click on the “Vehicles” tab

You will be redirected to inform other data.

4) You will need to inform Renavam and your vehicle's CRLV security code

This data is necessary to generate your CRLV.

5) Done! Now just download the CRLV of your car or print it

It is important to make it clear that the CRLV does not need to be printed, but if you prefer the paper document, it is okay to print it.

CRLV Digital has several benefits

CRLV Digital has several benefits. (Source: Google adapted).

The CRLV Digital has several benefits to facilitate the day to day of those who own a vehicle in the country.

It optimizes time, as you can do everything without having to go to a Detran agency. Great, huh?

In addition, the app notifies you of the expiration date of renewals and avoids bureaucracy to get documentation related to your vehicle.



CRLV Digital

The Application is free!

Download CRLV Digital and minimize bureaucracy to obtain your vehicle's CRLV.

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If there is any kind of problem with your document, you can cancel it through the application. Cool, right?

If you're looking for a practical and quick way to get your Vehicle Registration and Licensing Certificate (CRLV) and other documents without leaving home, then you need to download CRLV Digital right now!

In addition to CRLV Digital, you can also download CPF Digital

cpf digital
Download your Digital CPF right now. (Source; Adobe Stock).

As we saw above, documents in digital format tend to make life easier for citizens. With that in mind, the government also made the CPF available in a digital version.

Although the CPF number is present on the driver's license, identity card and other documents, many people still prefer to have the specific CPF card.

That's why they created the Individual Person app. By downloading this application, the user can access his document from his cell phone. In addition to this functionality, the platform still offers many interesting benefits.

By downloading the app, you can also access your National Driver's License (CNH), the App helps you with the income tax return (IRPF), calculates the monthly and annual income tax and notifies you about refund deadlines of the IRPF.

The most interesting thing is that the Individual Person application is super interactive. Thinking about the possible doubts that their users might have, they provided a space for “Frequently Asked Questions”. These are the main questions that users ask in order to solve recurring doubts.

The App also has a Quiz to test the knowledge of its users. Look how cool, in addition to taking advantage of all these advantages, you can still learn a lot with the CPF Digital App.

To find out more information about the Individuals application and learn how to download it safely and quickly, read the recommended content that we have put here below for you:

cpf digital

Digital CPF Application

Learn all about the App here!

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