
Basic Basket Benefit: Learn how to become a beneficiary

Do you know this benefit? He has already helped countless Brazilian families with food baskets. Want to know if you're entitled? In this article we have listed everything you need to know.

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Keep reading to learn more about the Basic Basket Benefit

(Photo: Internet)

The Covid-29 pandemic has affected countless families around the world, including Brazilian families. Many lost their jobs and unfortunately ran out of resources to buy basics such as food and hygiene items.

To support these families and fight hunger, the governments of some states in the country decided to distribute food baskets. The basic basket consists of food, personal hygiene items and cleaning items.

How to enroll in CadÚnico

See how to register to receive the aid.

Want to know more about this benefit? Read the topics below:

  • Who can receive the Basic Basket Benefit;
  • Requirements to be a beneficiary;
  • States that are offering the basic baskets;
  • How to receive the benefit.

Who can receive the Basic Basket Benefit?

To be a beneficiary, the family must be in a situation of social vulnerability. In addition, it is also necessary to be registered in CadÚnico (for social programs and projects).

It is necessary to register, as this is how the Federal Government can characterize and identify families in poverty or extreme poverty.

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Find out how to receive the benefit

Registering with CadÚnico is very simple and easy. If you don't know if you are enrolled or not, visit the official Government website or call 0800 707 2003 or, if you prefer, download the “Meu CadÚnico” App and check it out there.

Requirements to become a beneficiary

As we mentioned above, the first requirement is to be enrolled in CadÚnico. However, to receive the benefit, it is necessary to fulfill other requirements. Below we list all of them, check it out:

  • No family member can be a welfare or social security beneficiary;
  • May not exercise any public function;
  • You cannot have received state aid, such as Secul and Setur;
  • You cannot be receiving unemployment assistance or a federal income transfer program (this requirement does not include emergency assistance and Auxílio Brasil.

It is very important to be aware of all these requirements before applying for the benefit. After ensuring that you meet all the prerequisites mentioned above, separate your documents and request your Basic Basket Benefit!

Want to know how to participate?

Below we will tell you which states are offering the benefit. Check out!

States that are offering food baskets

Currently, the states that have an official protocol for this benefit are: São Paulo, Minas Gerais, Pernambuco, Rio de Janeiro and Ceará.

If you are a resident of a state that does not yet have an official protocol, the most recommended thing is to consult the CRAS closest to you and find out.

The Government of São Paulo, for example, distributed around 50,000 food cards worth R$100 to beneficiary families.

How the benefit is being distributed in other states

In Minas Gerais, the Government stipulated that families can withdraw the basic basket in some markets in BH. The Minas Gerais government estimates that 240,000 baskets, not counting the baskets containing hygiene items, have already been distributed.

But stay tuned because the rules are not for the whole state, in some cities the way to register and how to receive the benefit can change.

In Nova Serrana - MG, for example, the city government chose to provide a register in which the beneficiary family can receive the basic food basket for 2 consecutive months.

The government of the state of Rio de Janeiro decided to offer a card only for the basic food basket. This card will also be aimed at families in situations of social vulnerability. The available amount is R$130.00 and will be paid in 2 installments.

How to receive the Basic Basket Benefit?

Citizens who are interested in receiving the benefit should check whether they are entitled or not on the official Government website (

If your state does not yet have an official protocol regarding the Basic Basket Benefit, you must attend or contact a CRAS agency in your city. There they will be able to inform you better.

Before applying, make sure you meet all the requirements that have been stipulated by your city or state.

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