
BC creates new system to pay “forgotten money” into bank accounts. Learn how to consult


The Registrato System was replaced by the “Values and Receive” system, and inquiries will begin to be made from February 14th. See below.

Even in the face of an economic crisis and falling purchasing power, many Brazilians have resources forgotten in financial institutions and don't even know it.

Imagine what wonderful news to know that you have lost money and will be able to withdraw it?

This would certainly help a lot of Brazilians.

With that in mind, the Central Bank has created tools to give citizens access to this forgotten money, mediating between financial institutions and them.

A demand for this query was so great that the BC system went offline.

Where do these forgotten features come from?

According to a study by the Central Bank, there are about R$ 8 billion of reais forgotten in bank accounts and financial operations.

Among this value, the forgotten resources stand out in:

  • Closed checking or savings accounts with an available balance;
  • Rates and installments or obligations related to credit operations unduly charged, provided that the return is provided for in a Term of Commitment signed by the bank with the BC;
  • Capital quotas and apportionment of net surpluses of beneficiaries and participants of credit unions; It is
  • Unsought appeals relating to closed consortium groups.

What is the Values Receivable System?

The Values Receivable System replaces the old Registrato system, which was created on January 24th.

Because it was not created properly, it did not support the great demand for access from citizens and ended up failing in the proposed objective.

Registrato System has been canceled and can no longer receive access.

Therefore, the Values Receivable System will be inaugurated on February 14th, and is being planned to support all accesses without showing slowdowns or crashes.

It should be noted that consultations can only be made from February 14th, as before that the site will still be under construction.

Below we have prepared a step-by-step guide on how to make the query in the new system.

How to consult and receive the amounts to which I am entitled

Those interested should access the page "Values Receivable System”, on the Central Bank website (

If you have amounts to be received, at the time of consultation, you will receive the date to know these amounts and request their transfer, from 03/07/2022.

The redemption of these amounts will be done as follows:

  • Use your CPF or CNPJ to check if you have receivables;
  • If so, save the date that the system will inform you;
  • If you still don't have a login, register for free on the website or through the "" app. It will not be possible to access the system with the login of the old system;
  • Access the website again on the informed date and use your login to access the system, find out the amount available and request your transfer;
  • If you miss your redemption date, return to the site on another day and the system will inform you of a new return date.
Cash redemption will be done preferably through the PIX key.

Don't worry about your right to return the funds. They are yours and will continue to be kept by the financial institutions for as long as necessary, waiting until you request their return.

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