
APP helps save up to 20% worth of gasoline! see how

Check out the App to save gasoline that gives you up to 20% off when filling up. See how it works!


New Apps help 20% pay cheaper for gasoline

Como usar app para economizar gasolina (fonte: adobe stock)
How to use App to save gas (Source: Adobe Stock)


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Anyone who works with transportation or uses cars frequently knows that gasoline is always heavy on the pocket. For this, the solution is to know the App to save gasoline.

Even with the increase in fuel prices in recent months, many people managed to continue saving due to some apps that give up to 20% off. So check it out!

See how to use App to save gasoline

Aproveite o app para economizar gasolina (fonte: adobe stock)
Take advantage of the App to save gasoline (Source: Adobe Stock)

Much is heard about fuel prices and rising prices for customers who need to buy every day.

Of course, for those who work directly with vehicles, such as app drivers, gasoline is an extra weight in their pockets and that is why many are looking for a way to save money.



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However, what many people don't know is that you don't have to be apprehensive about prices if you participate in app points programs to save gas. 

The points programs accumulate the points as you fill up with fuel and with that it is possible to get discounts of 20% on the price of gasoline.

Novo app para economizar gasolina (fonte: adobe stock)
New App to save gasoline (Source: Adobe Stock)

Just to give you an idea, some of these programs accumulate 1 point for every R$1 spent and others accumulate up to two points per real. 

Along with this, in other applications, it is possible to generate R$0.15 discount on your next fuel up for each liter of gasoline spent.



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Furthermore, there is not just one, but several applications that help drivers save money on gasoline and even compete for special awards.

In this sense, today we are going to present some App options to save gasoline that may be the solution for you. Check out the best app options to save money on gasoline.

Shell Box to save gasoline

app shell box
Download the Shell App and get discounts. (Source; website).

Shell Box, as the name implies, is a gasoline discount program that generates R$0.07 off for every liter of regular gasoline you spend.

In the case of other fuel formulas, such as Shell V-Power Aditivado, the accumulated discount amounts to R$0.15/liter. This amount is saved and serves as a discount the next time you go to fill up. 

Garanta descontos com o app para economizar gasolina (fonte: adobe stock)
Guarantee discounts with the App to save gasoline (Source: Adobe Stock)

To participate in all the benefits of Shell Box, you must have the App to save gasoline on your cell phone, be it Android or iOS.

Through the App, drivers can take advantage of other offers, participate in prizes and even pay their bills at gas stations using a credit card, PayPal or Mercado Pago.

Banco Inter offers discounts to buy gasoline

app banco inter
Banco Inter app with cashback back. (Source; Website

Those who are account holders at Banco Inter can access advantages when filling up their car, motorcycle or other vehicle. This benefit is special for those who fill up at Shell stations.

To earn Inter customer discounts and cashback, just access the bank application when paying for gasoline. Then go to the “Shell Box” option and pay for the app and get part of your money back.

Discounts on gasoline with Petrobras Premmia

petrobrás premmia
Guarantee discounts with the App. (Source; Website

Petrobrás Premmia is yet another way for drivers to use the App to save gasoline. With it, you can also take advantage of exclusive offers like movie tickets and other things.

The points program of the oil company and the Brazilian service station network grants at least one point for every real spent when filling up your vehicle.

Benefícios do app para economizar gasolina (fonte: adobe stock)
Benefits of the App to save gas (Source: Adobe Stock)

In addition, the first gas station you fill up with will automatically be your “favorite” for the app and you'll earn two points per dollar spent there.

Registration to participate in the program can be done at BR service stations, just go to a unit or consume at a BR Mania convenience.

Get 12% discount with Abastece Lá 

abastece ai
(Source; Site supplies

This is an opportunity for anyone who is a customer of the Ipiranga service station network. Through this rebate program, users can pay and receive up to 12% cash back.

To guarantee this high percentage of discount through cashback, it is interesting to have spent at least R$100 and also to have 500 points in the km of advantages program.

Como pagar mais barato com o app para economizar gasolina (fonte: adobe stock)
How to pay cheaper with the App to save gas (Source: Adobe Stock)

This money that drivers save on purchases can be used for discounts on next supplies, which will also generate cashback. 

In this sense, buying just once you can guarantee discounts on virtually all subsequent supplies.

Pegue o desconto co app para economizar gasolina (fonte: adobe stock)
Get the discount with App to save gas (Source: Adobe Stock)

Those who are interested can access the application to save gasoline Abastece Aí, register and guarantee the discounts.

10% discounts on gasoline with AME Digital

app ame digital
(Source; Site

An initiative of Grupo Americanas, AME Digital offers discounts on supplies at gas stations. With this program, it is possible to guarantee a discount of around 10% on the total price of gasoline. 

The benefit of this cashback is for those who usually fill up at Petrobrás flag stations and also use the network's conveniences. 

Abastecendo com app para economizar gasolina (fonte: adobe stock)
Refueling with an App to save gasoline (Source: Adobe Stock)

Added to this, those who are Lubrax+ customers can also take advantage of this 10% off opportunity in supplies with AME. 

If you are not yet registered on the platform, you will need to download the application on your smartphone, Android or iOS, and register in the system.

App to save gasoline PagBank

Novidades para ganhar descontos na gasolina (fonte: adobe stock)
News to earn discounts on gasoline (Source: Adobe Stock)

If you're a PagBank customer and you're still not saving your money when it's time to fill up your vehicle, you're losing money.

Those who are part of the PagBank network are entitled to receive a 2% discount on the amount spent on fuel. This discount is in the form of cashback and valid for purchases at Shell network stations.



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Thus, to guarantee the discounts, it is necessary to always use PagBank integrated with the Shell Box application.

That way, every time you go to fill up, you can generate a discount in the form of cashback directly to your account, saving a good amount of money over time.

What is the best app to save gas?

como economizar nos combustíveis (fonte: adobe stock)
How to save on fuel (Source: Adobe Stock)

In short, we present some good applications with programs that save you time to fill up your vehicle. However, which will be the best App? 

In this case, each App to save gasoline has its particularities, advantages and disadvantages. 

So, it's up to you to analyze the pros and cons and understand what makes the most sense for your consumer profile.

The recommendation is quite simple: choose the one that gives the most discounts and fits with your financial moment. 



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