
How to apply for vacancies available for temporary work

Understand how to make a good resume for a temporary employment agency and get a job!


Place your best resume at the temp agency

Como conseguir um emprego temporário (Fonte: Freepik/Informação e Valor)
How to get a temporary job (Source: Freepik/Information and Value)

Temporary employment agency opportunities are coming up frequently, but to get a job it is very important to have a resume worthy of a professional.

Come and understand in today's article how to make a great resume and other interesting information to secure your temporary job vacancy from the best companies. Check out!

Anticipation of FGTS

Everything you need to know

Temporary employment agency: how to get a job?

This and other agencies work by recruiting and selecting professionals for partner companies. In this sense, as soon as a vacancy appears, the temporary employment agency can indicate you to fill that vacancy, if it is compatible with you.

So, the first step to getting a vacancy through the temporary employment agency is to contact the company and put your resume in the hands of the staff.

Get to know Caixa's young apprentice program

Young people aged 15 to 17 can enter the market with an above-average salary in the Caixa Young Apprentice Program!

In addition, the curriculum is the key piece to enter a selection for temporary employment, so you need to know how to build a good document.

Nowadays, the selection process for new professionals, both permanent and temporary, is increasingly dynamic and therefore your presentation needs to be very direct to the point. Still don't know how to build a good resume? Then see how to make yours in the topic below!

Make a good resume for temporary employment agency

As we mentioned earlier, the process of selecting new professionals for a company is increasingly fluid and dynamic. In this scenario, it is unlikely that a human resources manager will spend a lot of time analyzing just one document, as the sector has hundreds of resumes to analyze.

In other words, a modern resume for today's market needs to be concise and efficient, showing relevant information without fluff. In this way, check out the ideal step-by-step to assemble your resume and send it to the temporary employment agency:

Apply for available vacancies at c&a

Applying for a job at c&a is easier than ever. Then see how to get yours!

Briefly inform your personal data

It is common for people to want to inform much more than necessary in this part of personal data, but this is not necessary for most companies. In this sense, the recommendation is to inform the following data:

  • Full name;
  • Nationality, marital status and age;
  • Address, City (State) and Zip Code;
  • Phones (DDD+number);
  • Personal e-mail (regard for simple e-mails like: [email protected]);
  • Link to personal portfolio website or social media profile such as LinkedIn.

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Be a Rappi delivery man and earn more than R$2 thousand through this simple registration

State your professional objective

In this section, the only thing that matters is the vacancy you want to occupy, for example: young apprentice, systems analyst, store attendant, clerk, among other things.

Summary of Professional Skills

In this topic, the temporary employment agency does not want to know your qualities as a person, that is, do not say “I am proactive and dedicated”, but indicate what your professional skills are for the position. 

For example, for a store clerk: “I have experience and training in financial mathematics dedicated to stores, ease in dealing with spreadsheets and calculations in everyday life''.

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Learn everything to register and earn up to more than R$2,000 monthly reais.

Professional Experiences 

It's time to explain your experiences, so you should say the company you worked for, its segment, your position, period of work and a brief summary of activities. See an example template: 

  • WEG - Basic industry 
  • Production assistant - 2015 to 2017
  • I performed activities such as operating machinery and organizing products in logistics warehouses

Academic education

Inform all your undergraduate, training, training and other courses that are relevant to the position you want to occupy. In this case, it is recommended to inform the course level, course name, educational institution and duration.

Complementary skills

Indicate other useful information and skills for the day-to-day job in the temporary job you want to do. Some examples are: complete office course, financial mathematics course for companies, among other things.

What to do if you don't have experience?

In this case, the recommendation is that you insert activities that you performed during other periods in your life, such as at school or college. Activities such as student body president, research project fellow, academic council leader, and the like can be very useful.

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