Social Programs

These 3 benefits can be paid at the same time. check out

Auxílio Brasil, Vale Gás and Tarifa Social can be paid together for the same person. Read on to find out if you fit the profile.

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Find out what the criteria are to guarantee your benefits

Not everyone knows, but these 3 benefits are indeed released for those who already receive the Brazil Aid. You only need to meet the requirements to request payment.

In this article you will understand everything you need to do to receive the amounts and supplement your home income.

See how to register to receive

Check out the step by step to register and receive payments.

The Auxílio Brasil, Vale Gás and Tarifa Social programs use the CadÚnico structure as a payment criterion. Therefore, the family registered in the program is entitled to receive.

More than 18 million families already receive the Brazil Aid. Vale Gás, in turn, already benefits more than 5.6 million and aims to reach more than 22 million by September 2023. The Social Tariff serves more than 24 million citizens.

Continue reading to understand the process and the amounts released.

Requirements for receiving Brazil Aid

In addition to being enrolled in CadÚnico, it is important to meet one of the following requirements to ensure payment of the benefit:

  • Family being in poverty or extreme poverty;
  • Family be framed in emancipation rule

Extreme poverty is characterized by monthly income per person not exceeding R$ 100.00. As for the situation of poverty, the main element is the income per person being between R$ 100.01 and R$ 200.00.

The emancipation rule means that the family can continue to receive the aid installments for a period, even after a member has been hired on a formal basis.

However, it is important to maintain the criterion that the monthly income does not exceed R$ 525.00 per individual.

Therefore, to guarantee the receipt of the Brazil Aid, it is still necessary to constantly comply with the conditions below.

  • Keep prenatal care up to date, for families with pregnant women;
  • Keep the vaccination calendar up to date, for families with children and adolescents;
  • Maintain nutritional monitoring of children and adolescents;
  • Maintain minimum school attendance.

Requirements for receiving Vale Gas

For the payment of Vale Gás, in addition to the CadÚnico, it is necessary to meet at least one of these requirements:

  • Have family income per person less than or equal to half the minimum wage;
  • Have a family member who receives the BPC (continued benefit)
  • Have a total family income equal to or less than three minimum wages;
  • Families with women victims of domestic violence with urgent protective measures are preferred.

Requirements for receiving the Social Tariff

The Social Tariff benefit is a discount given on the electricity bill and is offered by the Federal Government to low-income families who are enrolled in CadÚnico or that contains in the family group, people benefited by the BPC.

Receiving requirements are:

  • That the income per person is less than or equal to half the national minimum wage;
  • That the family contains a member who receives the BPC (continued provision benefit);
  • That the family with a monthly income of up to three minimum wages has a disease or disability in the same residence;
  • Indigenous or quilombola families that meet the income criteria.

About the payments of each aid

Although the three benefits are accessible to the same person, each person's payment method is different.

Payment of Brazil Aid

Payment is made in one of these ways:

  • Digital Social Savings;
  • Demand Deposit Checking Account;
  • Special Deposit Account;
  • Accounting Account (social platform of the Program).
  • Caixa Tem Application

Payment of the Gas Voucher

Payment of Vale Gás is made every two months, uses the beneficiary's NIS number as a reference and follows the Auxílio Brasil calendar.

The same data used to receive the Auxílio Brasil can be used to receive the gas voucher.

Withdrawals can be made at lottery outlets, self-service terminals or Caixa Aqui correspondents, as well as through the Caixa Tem app.

Social Tariff Payment

The social tariff is not necessarily a payment, but a discount, which is applied to the electricity bill and varies from 10% to 65% of the bill value, up to a limit of 220 kWh per month. See the table below:

Up to 30 kWh65%
From 31 KWh to 100 KWh40%
From 101 KWh to 220 KWh10%


Users who do not yet have a NIS (Social Registration Number) can register with CadÚnico. Just look for the nearest CRAS (Social Assistance Reference Center).

It is important to keep the registration in the CRAS always up to date, as the lack of updating for more than two years implies the loss of this benefit.

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